
API Endpoint Optimizations I

Added email to the GET participants response

New query parameter within GET /participants - email

  • Allows you to specify the email, and we return the same payload as the existing GET/participants response, however it is limited to the participant associated with the email that was provided.

New dedicated endpoint to retrieve participants by email - GET /participants/:email

  • This is an alternative to using the email query parameter described above within the GET /participants endpoint. It is a lighter-weight endpoint that enables you to filter participants by email. We will only respond with email and participant_code.

New query parameter within GET /trades - client_trade_id

  • Allows you to specify the client_trade_id, and we return the same payload as the existing GET /trades response, however it is limited to the trade associated with the client_trade_id that was provided.

All changes reflected in our API Documentation.