Release Details

Release date: October 15th, 2024

Release Type



Zero Hash has launched our Fund SDK - an embeddable widget that allows Platforms to offer End Customers the ability to fund an account using USDC as the rail. This is a new funding option that can live side-by-side next to traditional options such as card, bank transfer, or an alternative payment method.

Funding an account has never been more convenient - deposits can now be made 24/7/365 and Platforms can offer instant credit to End Customers as quickly as the blockchain can confirm the transaction.

See core product page here for other product details. Front end examples:

Use Cases

  • Tokenized Fund onramping: allows End Customers to transition from stablecoins to a tokenized fund in order to earn yield
  • Fund a brokerage or CFD account: allows End Customers to trade instantly in order to capitalize on a market move
  • Fund a prediction market account: allows End Customers to trade listed instruments
  • Fund a neobank account: allows End Customers to add funds to their checking or investment account

Developer Documentation

  • Onboarding API + Fund API integration guide here
  • Onboarding API + Fund SDK integration guide here
  • Onboarding SDK + Fund SDK integration guide here
  • Get Fund Transactions fund code recipe here (to aid in creating a Transaction History page within your app)
  • Webhook page here

Key Features

  • Embeddable SDK: Lower your integration time by simply embedding the ZH-hosted UI
  • Built-in Compliance: All transactions are sent through our transaction monitoring suite
  • 24/7/365 ~Instant Account Funding: Platforms can listen to the Fund Complete webhook event and can immediately and comfortably credit a user's account, knowing that Zero Hash will batch settle the funds on the next valid business day
  • Wide USDC Network Support: With this release, we support USDC across the following chains:
    • USDC.ETH
    • USDC.SOL
  • Daily Platform Fiat Settlement: On a T+1 basis, Platforms receive a batch fiat settlement which represents the cumulative converted funds from the prior trading session. Details here
  • Developer Friendly: Full developer documentation to assist with integration

Action Required


Coming Soon

  • More USDC chains
  • More assets

Endpoints impacted

Release Details

Release date: Oct 1, 2024

Release Type



Zero Hash has expanded our support of Universal Money Address (UMA) on the Lightning Network to include UMA Withdrawals. Previously, only deposits were able to be made to a Zero Hash participant via UMA.

See full integration guide here.

Action Required

If you are using or implementing UMA and would like to enable withdrawals then please follow the integration guide. Note that sending VASPs must be added to Zero Hash's allowlist before transactions will be accepted from their UMA server.

Endpoint impacted

Release Details

Release date: Sep 23rd, 2024

Release Type



Zero Hash has launched our Stablecoin Payouts product, enabling Platforms to offer stablecoins as a payout option to its merchants and ultimately their end users.

See full integration guide here.

Key Features

  • Asset Support: Enable Payouts for USDC across 10+ blockchain networks
  • Built-in Compliance: All Beneficiaries are automatically run through sanction screening
  • Bundled Money Movement: Initiate a Payout with 1 API call and Zero Hash handles the conversion of fiat to stablecoin and an automated on-chain withdraw
  • Developer Friendly: Use our end-to-end integration guide for a speedy go-live

Action Required


Endpoints impacted

Release Details

CERT Release date: September 30th, 2024

PROD Release date: October 7th, 2024

Release Type

This release will impact platforms who currently support DAY order types in the Central Limit Order Book


The Zero Hash Central Limit Order Book will now automatically expire DAY orders at the end of our established trading day, ending at 4:00PM Eastern (New York). This improvement will remove the need for platforms to handle the expiration of DAY orders independently, as our matching engine will expire these orders at 4:00 PM Eastern (New York) automatically, and send the Done for Day execution report via the corresponding FIX gateway. (sample report below)


Action Required

Ensure your FIX logic is configured to handle DAY order expiration via Done for Day Execution Reports returned over the Order Entry FIX Gateway if already supporting DAY orders in your integration

Release Details

Release date: Sep 12th, 2024

Release Type



Zero Hash is adding a helpful new field to the GET /assets endpoint: explorer_link. The value returned is a blockchain-specific explorer link. Platforms can use this to append transaction hash's on the end of it, which will allow their customers to view their on-chain transaction details straight from a block explorer.

Example API response:

    "message": [
            "symbol": "AAVE.ETH",
            "name": "Aave",
            "chain_code": "ethereum",
            "type": "crypto",
            "model": "account_based",
            "withdrawal_minimum": "0",
            "stablecoin": false,
            "precision": 18,
            "tag_name": "none",
            "fee_asset": "ETH",
            "rfq_liquidity_enabled": false,
            "custody_enabled": false,
            "deposit_address_creation": "institutional_and_retail",
            "deposits_on_chain_confirms": 1,
            "ny_allowed": true,
            "contract_address": "",
            "fund_enabled": false,
            "depegged": false,
            "explorer_link": ""

Action Required


Endpoints impacted

Release Details

Release date: Sep 6, 2024


The old fields will be deprecated by Nov 30th 2024.

Please make sure you have migrated your integration to the new standards before November 30th, 2024.

Release Type



Zero Hash is migrating to ISO 3166 standards for Country and Subdivision Codes to streamline implementation and avoid any ambiguity around country names. Note that this relates to country of residence, citizenship and optionally id issuing authority.

The following guide should be used as an integration reference.

At this time, this is NOT a breaking change.

  • All current participants are updated to include a jurisdiction_code.
  • For new participants Zero Hash will accept either Country & State OR jurisdiction_code, we will back fill the other fields until November 30th, 2024.

Action Required

Reach out to your relationship manager to learn more about the integration process.

We advise Platforms to begin working on migrating to the ISO 3166 standards as we will deprecate the legacy fields officially on November 30th, 2024.

Platforms using the Onboarding SDK:

Platforms using our Onboarding SDK do not have to make any change to Onboard new participants. However, GET /participants will now return jurisdiction_code as well as country and state.

Endpoints impacted

We are pleased to announce that three additional assets are now available for deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells in New York. Previously these assets were restricted even for platforms that had been approved for NY activity.

Updates in CERT and PROD environments

The following assets/symbols are enabled in CERT and PROD for all permitted NY activity:

  • Cardano (ADA)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Shiba Inu (SHIB.ETH)

Note: These changes only apply to the Base Asset and do not apply to any tokens or stablecoins on these networks. Please direct any questions to your Zero Hash support team.

Further Reading

To see the full list of supported Assets, please refer to our new documentation pages:

Platform Communications to New York Persons:

Any platform that wishes to communicate this launch as a Platform to New York persons, you must follow the below template:

We are pleased to announce the addition of Cardano, Dogecoin, and Shiba Inu to our platform.

Customers in the State of New York can now perform deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells.

[Platform Name] and customers are still restricted from certain activities outlined on this page.

Cryptocurrency transaction and custody services are powered by Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC. Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC are licensed to engage in Virtual Currency Business Activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Release Details

Release Date: Aug 16, 2024

Updated: Aug 30, 2024

  • There will not be a maintenance window for the Ethereum blockchain at this time
  • Target time of the migration (12pm UTC / 8am ET) on September 4th added

Release Type

This migration impacts the MATIC token on both Polygon and Ethereum:

  • Informational – No action required for platforms holding MATIC.POLYGON on the Polygon blockchain. Optional action for platforms holding MATIC.ETH on the Ethereum blockchain


On September 4th, 2024 at around 12pm UTC (8am ET), the Polygon Foundation will migrate the native Polygon token from MATIC to POL.

  • MATIC.POLYGON on the Polygon blockchain
    • September 4, 2024 around 12pm UTC (8am ET): POL will replace MATIC as the native gas and staking token for the Polygon PoS network.
    • Zero Hash will continue to use the existing symbol MATIC.POLYGON so no change to your integration is required. This symbol in the backend will link to the POL token on Polygon.
    • The name on our public documentation and asset support pages will remain "Polygon (Native)"
    • We will announce plans in the future to change the symbol to represent the POL token.
  • MATIC.ETH on the Ethereum blockchain
    • A new token POL.ETH will be added with only sends and receives available until our Liquidity Providers complete their migrations
    • MATIC.ETH will continue to be available for buy/sell/send/receive
    • At a future date, MATIC.ETH will be fully migrated to POL.ETH
      • On that date, Zero Hash will stop transactions involving MATIC.ETH and open a maintenance window in order to execute the migration to the new token.
    • Both MATIC.ETH (custody and liquidity) and POL.ETH (custody-only) will be available beginning Sept 4

Action Required

No action needed if using MATIC.POLYGON (the native token on Polygon blockchain).

  • The symbol and asset will continue to work uninterrupted.

Optional action if holding MATIC.ETH (the ERC20 token on Ethereum):

  • Zero Hash will add a new token POL.ETH as Custody-only (send and receive only)
  • No downtime will occur on September 4th. A maintenance window will occur at a future date when Zero Hash migrates MATIC.ETH to POL.ETH to enable buys and sells.

Endpoints Impacted

No endpoint are changing as part of this migration.

Relevant documentation

Release Details

Release Date: Aug 13, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Transaction limits are being implemented on August 21, 2024 for Lightning Network transactions. The limits will vary depending on the direction of the transaction and the Lightning Network standard (BOLT11, LNURL, UMA) used.

BOLT11 / LNURL Transaction Limits

TransactionControl DescriptionControl
WithdrawalsAggregate Transaction Daily Maximum Amount$2,500 daily limit
DepositsInvoice Maximum Amount$1,000 USD per invoice
DepositsInvoice Daily Maximum$1,000 USD per day
DepositsLifetime volume triggering Enhanced Due DiligenceTier 1:
At $10k cumulative deposit volume, require additional EDD information to be sent.

Tier 2:
At $100k deposit volume in rolling 30 days, participant will trigger manual review

UMA Transaction Limits

Specific transaction limits are not implemented, however, every VASP that will send or receive UMA transactions with Zero Hash must go through a Compliance due diligence review and have their UMA server domain allowlisted first. Domains that are not part of the Zero Hash allowlist will have their transactions rejected.

  • Withdrawals: Zero Hash will work with the receiving VASP to coordinate the information required to be sent.
  • Deposits: Zero Hash will determine the information the sending VASP must include with their UMA transactions.

Action Required

While no implementation changes are required, transactions that exceed these amounts or that push the total volume over this amount will return an error.

If you are planning to implement UMA with an external VASP then they will need to go through the above due diligence process. This process can be initiated by contacting your Zero Hash representative.

Endpoints Impacted

Relevant documentation

Release Details

Release Date: Aug 2, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Platforms currently using the KYC as a Service product will see a reduced set of fields returned by the PATCH /participants/customers/ endpoint as seen in the sample response below.

  • CERT Aug 2, 2024
  • PROD Aug 2, 2024

Remaining platforms and all API users will see the fields returned by the PATCH /participants/customers/ endpoint updated to the below sample response on:

  • CERT Aug 12, 2024
  • PROD Sep 2, 2024

Once this change is live for your platform, only the below fields will be returned even if you updated a field not included in the response. The change was successful if you received a 200 response.

Action Required

Action is needed if your platform is reliant on any of the fields that will be removed from the response. Please review your current use of PATCH /participants/customers/ to determine if there is any impact.

Endpoints Impacted

Sample Response:

  • After platform submits a customer information update via PATCH /participants/customers/, Zero Hash responds:
    "message": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "country": "United States",
        "state": "IL",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "platform_code": "PLAT01",
        "participant_code": "CUST01"