We are pleased to announce that three additional assets are now available for activity in New York. Previously these assets were restricted even for platforms that had been approved for NY activity.

Environment Updates

The following assets/symbols are enabled for all permitted NY activity:

  • MultiversX (EGLD): CERT and PROD
  • The Graph (GRT.ETH): PROD-only
  • Kyber Network (KNC.ETH): PROD-only

Note: These changes only apply to the assets listed and do not apply to any tokens or stablecoins on these networks. Please direct any questions to your Zero Hash support team.

Platform Communications to New York Persons:

Any platform that wishes to communicate this launch as a Platform to New York persons, you must follow the below template:

We are pleased to announce the addition of MultiversX, The Graph, and Kyber Network to our platform.

Customers in the State of New York can now perform deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells.

[Platform Name] and customers are still restricted from certain activities outlined on this page.

Cryptocurrency transaction and custody services are powered by Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC. Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC are licensed to engage in Virtual Currency Business Activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Further Reading

To see the full list of supported Assets, please refer to our new documentation pages:

Release Details

  • Release Date: March 14, 2025

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for USDC on Aptos. This asset uses the symbol USDC.APT and is available to buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw on CERT and PROD.

Note that this asset is not available in New York.

Action Required

This asset is immediately available using the above symbol.

Endpoints Impacted

There are no changes to existing endpoints as a result of this launch.

Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.

Release Details

Release Date: February 28th, 2025

Release Type

Informational – optional action from platforms


As part of the Account Funding product, Zero Hash has added a new field (reference_id) to the access token retrieval step of the the Account Link/Withdraw SDK. This new field is also represented in step 6 on the integration guide.

This field can be used to give Platforms extreme confidence that a withdraw was indeed initiated by their Customer, allowing them to "lock" the funds in their systems. Rather than solely relying on the payments webhooks to make this determination, Platforms can now query a REST endpoint (GET /payments) or GET /payments/{payment_id} in-tandem.


  • Platform requests access token:
    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "permissions": ["crypto-withdrawals"],
    "withdrawal_details": {
        "external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
        "quoted_asset": "USD",   
        "withdrawal_request_amount": "200"
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"
  • Customer (CUST01) goes through the SDK flow, successfully initiating a withdrawal of 500 USDC
  • Payments webhook retrieval fails due to a network blip
  • Platform queries GET /payments and see a payment has been initiated with reference_id = 0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3
  • Platform will debit the Customer's USD balance within their system, accurately reflecting the current balance

Action Required


Products Impacted

Relevant Documentation

We are pleased to announce that five additional assets are now available for activity in New York. Previously these assets were restricted even for platforms that had been approved for NY activity.

Environment Updates

The following assets/symbols are enabled for all permitted NY activity:

  • Ethereum on ZkSync (ETH.ZKSYNC): CERT and PROD
  • ZK Token (ZK.ZSYNC): PROD-only
  • Ethereum on Base (ETH.BASE): CERT and PROD
  • SEI (SEI): CERT and PROD
  • Algorand (ALGO): CERT and PROD

Note: These changes only apply to the assets listed and do not apply to any tokens or stablecoins on these networks. Please direct any questions to your Zero Hash support team.

Platform Communications to New York Persons:

Any platform that wishes to communicate this launch as a Platform to New York persons, you must follow the below template:

We are pleased to announce the addition of Algorand, SEI, Ethereum on ZkSync, Ethereum on Base, and ZK Token to our platform.

Customers in the State of New York can now perform deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells.

[Platform Name] and customers are still restricted from certain activities outlined on this page.

Cryptocurrency transaction and custody services are powered by Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC. Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC are licensed to engage in Virtual Currency Business Activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Further Reading

To see the full list of supported Assets, please refer to our new documentation pages:

Release Details

  • Release Date: February 11, 2025

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for the SEI EVM ecosystem.

The native asset SEI (symbol SEI) is now available to buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD

Note: These assets are not currently allowed for NY participants. See below section regarding only the EVM chain being supported at this time.

Action Required

There are two types of addresses for SEI, v1 WASM (beginning with "sei...") and v2 EVM (beginning with "0x...").

Zero Hash only supports the v2 EVM version of SEI addresses so any deposit addresses created will begin with "0x".

  • Withdrawals to external wallets should ONLY be sent to v2 SEI addresses beginning with "0x" or else there could be a loss of funds.
  • Any funds sent to a Zero Hash SEI v2 EVM address should only be sent from a SEI v2 EVM wallet.

Endpoints Impacted

There are no changes to existing endpoints as a result of this launch.

Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.

Release Details

  • Release Date: February 3, 2025

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for Ripple USD on XRP and Ethereum, including in NY.

  • Ripple USD on Ethereum (RLUSD.ETH): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • Ripple USD on XRP (RLUSD.XRP): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD

Platform Communications to New York Persons:
Any platform that wishes to communicate this launch as a Platform to New York persons, you must follow the below template:

We are pleased to announce the addition of Ripple USD on XRP and Ethereum to our platform.

Customers in the State of New York can now perform deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells.

[Platform Name] and customers are still restricted from certain activities outlined on this page.

Cryptocurrency transaction and custody services are powered by Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC. Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC are licensed to engage in Virtual Currency Business Activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Action Required

These assets are immediately available using the above symbols.

Endpoints Impacted

There are no changes to existing endpoints as a result of this launch.

Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.

Release Details

  • Release Date: Jan 29, 2025

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for PayPal USD and Paxos USD on Ethereum and Solana, including in NY.

  • PayPal USD on Ethereum (PYUSD.ETH): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • PayPal USD on Solana (PYUSD.SOL): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • Paxos USD on Ethereum (USDP.ETH): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • Paxos USD on Solana (USDP.SOL): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD

Platform Communications to New York Persons:
Any platform that wishes to communicate this launch as a Platform to New York persons, you must follow the below template:

We are pleased to announce the addition of PayPal USD and Paxos USD on Ethereum and Solana to our platform.

Customers in the State of New York can now perform deposits, withdrawals, buys, and sells.

[Platform Name] and customers are still restricted from certain activities outlined on this page.

Cryptocurrency transaction and custody services are powered by Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC. Zero Hash LLC and Zero Hash Liquidity Services LLC are licensed to engage in Virtual Currency Business Activity by the New York State Department of Financial Services.

Action Required

These assets are immediately available using the above symbols.

Endpoints Impacted

There are no changes to existing endpoints as a result of this launch.

Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.

Release Details

Release Date: January 20th, 2025 - Zero Hash will be feature flagging this feature on in a phased approach, per Platform, during the week of January 20th. Our goal is to enable this across every Platform by the end of the week (Friday, January 24th)

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is debuting its CREATE2 smart contract deployment capabilities. CREATE2 is an Ethereum opcode for creating smart contracts that was introduced as part of Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1014 and implemented during the Constantinople upgrade (February 2019).

Specifically, CREATE2 ensures that neither the End Customer, Zero Hash, nor the Platform (depending on your setup) will be charged a network fee until we're sure that a deposit is coming. This can significantly increase product margins, completely eliminating unnecessary costs.

This release impacts the following networks:

  • Arbitrum
  • Avalanche
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • Polygon


Platforms do not need to take any action to implement CREATE2, as it is the default standard for all deposit addresses out-of-the-box

Unified Address

With this release, we have also launched the "unified address" feature, allowing any participant (either an end customer or an entity participant) to generate a single, unified addresses across all networks within this list:

  • Arbitrum
  • Avalanche
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • Polygon

Again, this is the default behavior for any newly created address. Existing/already-created addresses will go unchanged.

This is a UX enhancement as the need to manage multiple addresses across networks are removed. Additionally, this allows Zero Hash to successfully recover assets if the funds were sent to the wrong network.


Before this release, there were unfortunate situations where an end customer or entity participant would send assets to non-compatible wallet. For example, if someone sent ETH to a Polygon address, we typically would be unable to recover these funds. With this release, we will be able to successfully recover funds as long as the network's in question are within the CREATE2 network list:

  • Arbitrum
  • Avalanche
  • Base
  • Ethereum
  • Optimism
  • Polygon

Action Required


Products Impacted


Buy/Sell, Stablecoin Tokenization Payment Rails and Crypto/Stablecoins On and Off Ramps

Relevant Documentation

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 18, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for USD Coin on SUI (Symbol USDC.SUI) to buy, sell, deposit, withdraw, and fund. This asset is available in both the CERT and PROD environments.

Note: This asset is not currently allowed for NY participants

Action Required

This asset is immediately available using the above symbol.

Endpoints Impacted

The following executable endpoints now support SUI:


Convert Withdraw




Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 16, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Zero Hash is pleased to announce enabling support for zkSync Era. ZKsync Era is a Layer 2 ZK rollup, a trustless protocol that uses cryptographic validity proofs to provide scalable and low-cost transactions on Ethereum.

The available assets include:

  • USD Coin on zkSync Era (USDC.ZKSYNC): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • Ethereum on zkSync Era (ETH.ZKSYNC): buy, sell, deposit, and withdraw; CERT and PROD
  • ZK Token (ZK.ZKSYNC): deposit and withdraw; PROD-only

Note: These assets are not currently allowed for NY participants

Action Required

These assets are immediately available using the above symbols.

Endpoints Impacted

There are no changes to existing endpoints as a result of this launch.

Relevant Documentation

For a full list of supported assets and instruments, please use the links below.