
API Endpoint Optimizations II

GET and POST /withdrawals/requests

  • Clients can now specify a client_withdrawal_request_id within the POST /withdrawals/requests body and then GET /withdrawals/requests based on the client_withdrawal_request_id, via a query parameter.
  • This allows platforms to easily link their ID with Zero Hash's (withdrawal_request_id).
  • It also allows platforms to ensure that their requests are idempotent. Zero Hash has a 24 hour idempotency check on the client_withdrawal_request_id field. If a Platform uses the same value for a client_withdrawal_request_id over a rolling 24 hour period, Zero Hash will fail the withdrawal request.

GET /participants

  • You can now filter your GET /participants request by participant_code.
  • This is a quick way to retrieve a single participant of interest, rather than sifting through a potentially large list.
  • The response body has not changed.

All changes reflected in our API Documentation.