
Ethereum L2 Liquidity support

Release date

Apr 3, 2024

Release type

Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash now provides liquidity support for Ethereum on the Arbitrum and Optimism networks.
Platforms can now request quotes for ETH.ARBITRUM/USD and ETH.OPTIMISM/USD through the /liquidity/rfq and /convert_withdraw/rfq endpoints.

Note: ETH.OPTIMISM is not supported for the /convert_withdraw/rfq endpoint in our CERT environment.

Action required

No action required.

Endpoints impacted

  • GET /liquidity/rfq
  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • POST /convert_withdraw/rfq

Example Request

  • Request : GET /liquidity/rfq
    'participant_code' :'HN853Q',  
    'side': 'buy',  
    'underlying': 'ETH.ARBITRUM',  
    'quoted_currency': 'USD',  
    'total': 60  
  • Response : GET /liquidity/rfq
    "message": {  
        "request_id": "77b1e1c0-8cd9-4d27-a0cc-fe5732ac88ca",  
        "participant_code": "S8NSEL",  
        "quoted_currency": "USD",  
        "side": "buy",  
        "quantity": "0.0170896204846822",  
        "price": "3510.9030100334475027",  
        "quote_id": "6432ad1e-ac5a-4ce8-8a3b-1f9259e5d502",  
        "expire_ts": 1711727578126,  
        "account_group": "00SCXM",  
        "account_label": "general",  
        "obo_participant": {  
            "participant_code": "HN853Q",  
            "account_group": "S8NSEL",  
            "account_label": "general"  
        "parent_link_id": "",  
        "parent_link_id_source": 0,  
        "underlying": "ETH.ARBITRUM",  
        "asset_cost_notional": "60",  
        "spread_notional": "0.075",  
        "spread_bps": "12.5"  
  • Request : POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
    'underlying' : 'ETH.ARBITRUM' ,  
    'quoted_currency' : 'USD',  
    'side': 'buy',  
    'total' : '100.00',  
    'withdrawal_address': '0xd3c5967d94d79F17bDc493401c33f7e8897c5f81',  
    'fee_inclusive' : True,  
  • Response : POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
    "message": {  
        "request_id": "9acc103b-6ad6-4fdf-afb7-12b9fe096fe1",  
        "participant_code": "S8NSEL",  
        "quoted_currency": "USD",  
        "side": "buy",  
        "quantity": "0.0284164549373376",  
        "price": "3518.7358951175449631",  
        "quote_id": "bde0a5da-8873-4bde-aba1-0ad3b86e71f3",  
        "expire_ts": 1711742459479,  
        "account_group": "00SCXM",  
        "account_label": "general",  
        "obo_participant": {  
             "participant_code": "HN853Q",  
             "account_group": "S8NSEL",  
             "account_label": "general"  
        "network_fee_notional": "0.01",  
        "network_fee_quantity": "0.000003045",  
        "total_notional": "100",  
        "underlying": "ETH.ARBITRUM",  
        "asset_cost_notional": "99.99",  
        "spread_notional": "0.249975",  
        "spread_bps": "25"  