
Idempotency Added to POST /transfers Endpoint

API Updates


  • We've added a new field to the POST /transfers endpoint called client_transfer_id.
  • This is an optional field and when used Zero Hash will complete idempotency checks for previously created transfers to validate that the client_transfer_id has not already been used.
  • If providing a value, the client_transfer_id must be unique, we will return an error if the id has ever been used in the past.
  • Zero Hash will now return the client_transfer_id when a Platform uses the GET /transfers endpoint.
  • If a client_transfer_id was not provided for a transaction, we will return a null value.

Use Cases

This feature is ideal for Platforms that expect to perform a significant volume of transfers and wants to ensure that transfer requests are not duplicated.

API Sequencing

Example Request POST /transfer

    "from_account_group": "PLAT01",  
    "to_account_group": "PLAT01",  
    "client_transfer_id": "b8aa391c-6da9-4991-b123-f8d64976c92e",  

Example Response:

    "message": {  
        "id": 48598,  
        "client_transfer_id": "b8aa391c-6da9-4991-b123-f8d64976c92e",  
        "created_at": "2022-10-13T20:06:29.276Z",  
        "updated_at": "2022-10-13T20:06:29.276Z",  
        "status": "approved",  
        "from_participant_code": "PLAT01",  
        "from_account_group": "PLAT01",  
        "from_account_label": null,  
        "to_participant_code": "CUST01",  
        "to_account_group": "PLAT01",  
        "to_account_label": null,  
        "amount": "1.00",  
        "movement_id": null,  
        "admin_transfer": false,  
        "asset": "USD"  

Example Error Response (duplicate client_transfer_id used):

    "error": true,  
    "message": "Request does not contain an unique client_transfer_id"  