
Market Data MVP

Release date

  • June 27, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – Optional action from platforms.


We’ve enhanced our Market Data product with three new features or endpoints: News, Symbol Data, and Images.


The News feature consists of three new endpoints that allow platforms access to aggregated crypto news. These endpoints include access to more than 70+ sources for relevant market news.

  • GET /market_data/news/latest: Access an aggregated feed of news articles with the ability to filter by various parameters such as news source, categories, lookback, language, and sort by.
  • GET /market_data/news/feeds: Displays a list of available news sources.
  • GET /market_data/news/categories: Displays a list of available categories to filter by.

Symbol Data

  • GET /market_data/symbol_data: This endpoint includes over 40+ data points related to a trading pair that allows platforms to create a more robust trading experience for users.


This endpoint will allow users to retrieve the image in the URL received in the news and symbol data response.

Additional Important Information

Zero Hash uses dot notation. To query for an asset like BAT, use BAT.ETH/USD

Action required

To use the market data endpoints, a signed Market Data Services Addendum is required. Please contact our sales or client services team for pricing information via slack or via [email protected].


There are additional endpoints we are exploring related to market data, some include Blockchain Data, Social Sentiment, Market Indicators, Toplists/Watchlists, and Expanded OHLCV historical data time frames.