
Minimum Order Size and Precision Update for CLOB Trading

Release Information

  • Release date: Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
  • Release type: Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has updated their minimum order settings on the CLOB to $1.00. Prior to this release, the minimum order size was $0.01. The quantity and price precisions (tick size) have not changed.

SymbolTypeQuantity PrecisionTick SizeMin Order Size

If an order is placed now with a notional value below $1.00, an Execution Report (35=8) will be sent with FIX tag 150=8 and the rejection reason in field 58. E.g. 58=Low total notional size limit is 1, given 0.50.

If an order is placed with more than the number of supported decimals, a FIX rejection message (35=3) will be returned with the rejection reason in field 58. E.g.58=Value is incorrect (out of range)for this tag 371=38 or 58=Value is incorrect (out of range)for this tag 371=44.

Endpoints Impacted

On the FIX API, the following endpoints are impacted, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:

  • New Order - Single (D)
  • Order Cancel Request (F)
  • Order Cancel/Replace Request (G)

Relevant Documentation

Additional CLOB information available here.