
New filter options for the Withdrawals endpoint

There are 2 new filter options on the GET /withdrawals/requests endpoint:

  • status
  • requested_timestamp


You can filter for the following statuses:


Requested Timestamp

requested_timestamp filters withdrawal requests based on a given timestamp in milliseconds (1593798130060) or nanoseconds (1593798130060000000) using the following params for the following filter types:

  • [gt] greater than a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130060
  • [gte] greater than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gte]=1593798130060
  • [e] equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[e]=1593798130060
  • [lt] less than a given timestamp e.g. requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130060
  • [lte] lower than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[lte]=1593798130060

Combinations are also possible, e.g. to find withdrawal requests between 1593798130555 and 1593798130777 you can use the next combination requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130555&requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130777.

Full API specs found here.