
New Query Parameters on GET /transfers

Release Date

Friday, March 03, 2023

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash is pleased to announce that we have increased support for additional query parameters when using our GET /transfers endpoint. Prior to this launch, Platforms could only query applying a filter for the client_transfer_id.

Action Required

This is a feature that Platforms can opt to use if they are already using transfers to query transfer history. No additional configuration is required.

Endpoints Impacted

GET /transfers will now support the following query parameters:

  • page: Optional. This is to allow the Platform to paginate through response payloads.

  • page_size: Optional. Shall dictate the size of the list in the response payloads.

  • to_participant_code: Optional. Filter for transfers that have the participant_code matching what is provided in the query param.

  • from_participant_code: Optional. Filter for transfers that have the participant_code matching what is provided in the query param.

  • requested_timestamp: Optional. Correspond to the created_at date. Requested_timestamp filters movements based on a given timestamp in milliseconds 1593798130060 or nanoseconds 1593798130060000000 using the following next params for the following filter types:

    • [gt]: greater than a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130060
    • [gte]: greater than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gte]=1593798130060
    • [e]: equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[e]=1593798130060
    • [lt]: less than a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130060
    • [lte]: lower than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[lte]=1593798130060

    Combinations are also possible, e.g. to find movements between 1593798130555 and 1593798130777 you can use the next combination requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130555&requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130777

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