Onboarding: phone number exception

Release Details

Release Date: July 29th, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Select Platforms can now onboard a natural person customer by submitting a phone number instead of an email address. This allows Platforms to onboard customers in certain jurisdictions where having an email address is less prevalent. Please note: your Platform must be approved by Zero Hash's legal and compliance team before using this feature.

Action Required

For Platforms that are configured properly, simply pass a phone_number instead of an email on the POST /participants/customers/new endpoint. If a Platform omits a phone_number, the API call will be rejected. A configured platform may still pass an email if they wish as well.

Endpoints Impacted


  • Platform submits a customer via POST /participants/customers/new:
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "phone_number": "1234567890",
    "address_one": "1 Main St.",
    "address_two": "Suite 1000",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "state": "IL",
    "zip": "12345",
    "country": "United States",
    "date_of_birth": "1985-09-02",
    "id_number_type": "ssn",
    "id_number": "123456789",
    "signed_timestamp": 1712008721000,
    "metadata": {
        "cip_kyc": "12345"
  • Zero Hash responds:
    "message": {
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Smith",
        "phone_number": "1234567890",
        "address_one": "1 Main St.",
        "address_two": "Suite 1000",
        "country": "United States",
        "state": "IL",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "zip": "12345",
        "date_of_birth": "1985-09-02",
        "id_number_type": "ssn",
        "id_number": "123456789",
        "non_us_other_type": "",
        "id_issuing_authority": "",
        "signed_timestamp": 1712008721000,
        "risk_rating": "",
        "metadata": {},
        "platform_code": "PLAT01",
        "participant_code": "CUST01",
        "tax_id": "123456789",
        "citizenship": "United States",
        "kyc": "unknown",
        "kyc_timestamp": null,
        "onboarded_location": "",
        "sanction_screening": "unknown",
        "sanction_screening_timestamp": null,
        "idv": "unknown",
        "liveness_check": "unknown",
        "phone_number": "",
        "employment_status": "unknown",
        "industry": "unknown",
        "source_of_funds": "unknown",
        "signed_agreements": [
                "region": "us",
                "signed_timestamp": 1712008721,
                "type": "user_agreement"

A customer participant code has been created and is eligible to be used in subsequent API calls.