
Security Enhancements: API Key Approvals and Expirations

Portal and API Updates

API Key Approvals

  • When generating API keys on the portal, you now have the ability to set a required number of approvals amount.

  • By default, each participant's has been set to zero. If you would like this changed, please get in touch with a Zero Hash representative so that they can make the configuration change.

  • Until an API Key is officially approved, no calls can be made by that newly created key.

  • You can view the API Key status via the "status" column:

    • "CREATED" indicates that the API key has been created but is pending additional portal user approval (based on the approval configuration of your platform).
    • "APPROVED" indicates that the API key's approval configuration has been satisfied, and the key is ready to be used to make calls to our API.

  • You can also view the audit history via the "details" button, including who on your team has already created or approved a key:

API Key Expirations

  • When creating new keys (after clicking "Add API Key"), you can set an expiration date. After the expiry, the key will no longer be functional.

  • If you would not like the key to expire, simply leave the field blank.
  • This mechanism can help force your organization to implement frequent key change-outs.