
Trading and Custody Support for EURC.XLM

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2023
    • Updated 4/15/24 for the addition of RFQ support (see notes in Summary and Endpoints sections below)
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash has released trading and custody support for Circle's Euro-backed stablecoin: EURC. This support will be initially provided on the Stellar blockchain using the EURC.XLM symbol.

Update 4/15/24: RFQ support has been added for this asset available via the RFQ endpoints for buys and sells. A EUR account is required for buys and sells due to the trading pair denomination in Euros.

Our asset support page has been updated to reflect this.

Action Required

No action required.

Endpoints Impacted

  • POST /trades
  • GET /deposits
  • GET /deposits/digital_asset_addresses
  • POST /deposits/digital_asset_addresses
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • POST /withdrawals/requests
  • DELETE /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • GET /withdrawals/digital_asset_addresses
  • GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee
  • POST /withdrawals/execute

Updated 4/15/24

  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • GET /liquidity/rfq