
Upcoming Migration of MATIC to POL

Release Details

Release Date: Aug 16, 2024

Updated: Aug 30, 2024

  • There will not be a maintenance window for the Ethereum blockchain at this time
  • Target time of the migration (12pm UTC / 8am ET) on September 4th added

Release Type

This migration impacts the MATIC token on both Polygon and Ethereum:

  • Informational – No action required for platforms holding MATIC.POLYGON on the Polygon blockchain. Optional action for platforms holding MATIC.ETH on the Ethereum blockchain


On September 4th, 2024 at around 12pm UTC (8am ET), the Polygon Foundation will migrate the native Polygon token from MATIC to POL.

  • MATIC.POLYGON on the Polygon blockchain
    • September 4, 2024 around 12pm UTC (8am ET): POL will replace MATIC as the native gas and staking token for the Polygon PoS network.
    • Zero Hash will continue to use the existing symbol MATIC.POLYGON so no change to your integration is required. This symbol in the backend will link to the POL token on Polygon.
    • The name on our public documentation and asset support pages will remain "Polygon (Native)"
    • We will announce plans in the future to change the symbol to represent the POL token.
  • MATIC.ETH on the Ethereum blockchain
    • A new token POL.ETH will be added with only sends and receives available until our Liquidity Providers complete their migrations
    • MATIC.ETH will continue to be available for buy/sell/send/receive
    • At a future date, MATIC.ETH will be fully migrated to POL.ETH
      • On that date, Zero Hash will stop transactions involving MATIC.ETH and open a maintenance window in order to execute the migration to the new token.
    • Both MATIC.ETH (custody and liquidity) and POL.ETH (custody-only) will be available beginning Sept 4

Action Required

No action needed if using MATIC.POLYGON (the native token on Polygon blockchain).

  • The symbol and asset will continue to work uninterrupted.

Optional action if holding MATIC.ETH (the ERC20 token on Ethereum):

  • Zero Hash will add a new token POL.ETH as Custody-only (send and receive only)
  • No downtime will occur on September 4th. A maintenance window will occur at a future date when Zero Hash migrates MATIC.ETH to POL.ETH to enable buys and sells.

Endpoints Impacted

No endpoint are changing as part of this migration.

Relevant documentation