
Lightning Network Transaction Limits and Controls

Release Details

Release Date: Aug 13, 2024

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms


Transaction limits are being implemented on August 21, 2024 for Lightning Network transactions. The limits will vary depending on the direction of the transaction and the Lightning Network standard (BOLT11, LNURL, UMA) used.

BOLT11 / LNURL Transaction Limits

TransactionControl DescriptionControl
WithdrawalsAggregate Transaction Daily Maximum Amount$2,500 daily limit
DepositsInvoice Maximum Amount$1,000 USD per invoice
DepositsInvoice Daily Maximum$1,000 USD per day
DepositsLifetime volume triggering Enhanced Due DiligenceTier 1:
At $10k cumulative deposit volume, require additional EDD information to be sent.

Tier 2:
At $100k deposit volume in rolling 30 days, participant will trigger manual review

UMA Transaction Limits

Specific transaction limits are not implemented, however, every VASP that will send or receive UMA transactions with Zero Hash must go through a Compliance due diligence review and have their UMA server domain allowlisted first. Domains that are not part of the Zero Hash allowlist will have their transactions rejected.

  • Withdrawals: Zero Hash will work with the receiving VASP to coordinate the information required to be sent.
  • Deposits: Zero Hash will determine the information the sending VASP must include with their UMA transactions.

Action Required

While no implementation changes are required, transactions that exceed these amounts or that push the total volume over this amount will return an error.

If you are planning to implement UMA with an external VASP then they will need to go through the above due diligence process. This process can be initiated by contacting your Zero Hash representative.

Endpoints Impacted

Relevant documentation