Account Funding: Reference ID field added to access token retrieval call

Release Details

Release Date: February 28th, 2025

Release Type

Informational – optional action from platforms


As part of the Account Funding product, Zero Hash has added a new field (reference_id) to the access token retrieval step of the the Account Link/Withdraw SDK. This new field is also represented in step 6 on the integration guide.

This field can be used to give Platforms extreme confidence that a withdraw was indeed initiated by their Customer, allowing them to "lock" the funds in their systems. Rather than solely relying on the payments webhooks to make this determination, Platforms can now query a REST endpoint (GET /payments) or GET /payments/{payment_id} in-tandem.


  • Platform requests access token:
    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "permissions": ["crypto-withdrawals"],
    "withdrawal_details": {
        "external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
        "quoted_asset": "USD",   
        "withdrawal_request_amount": "200"
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"
  • Customer (CUST01) goes through the SDK flow, successfully initiating a withdrawal of 500 USDC
  • Payments webhook retrieval fails due to a network blip
  • Platform queries GET /payments and see a payment has been initiated with reference_id = 0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3
  • Platform will debit the Customer's USD balance within their system, accurately reflecting the current balance

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