Account Link + Withdraw SDK Integration Guide

Platforms can use the Account Link and Withdraw SDK in tandem to allow their Customers to link an external account and then subsequently withdraw funds to it.

Account Link SDK

Account Link SDK

Withdraw SDK

Withdraw SDK



Please note that for Web usage you must install zh-web-sdk v2.10.6 or higher

The Account Link SDK is an embeddable widget that allows Customers to link an external wallet. On the SDK front end, the Customer will select/enter the following:

  • Asset (ie, USDC)
  • Network (ie, Ethereum or Solana)
  • Address
  • Wallet Nickname

The Crypto Withdraw SDK is also an embeddable widget that allows Customers to trigger the withdrawal to their linked crypto wallet.

Account Link Front End Validations

Each account link attempt is validated, by Zero Hash on the front end, in the following ways:

  • The Customer-entered address must be valid according to the Asset and Network they entered. For example, a Bitcoin address would not be allowed to be linked if the Asset entered was USDC
  • The Customer-entered address must pass our compliance checks. For example, if the address is flagged as OFAC-sanctioned, the link request would be rejected


The high-level flow is the following:

  1. Fund Float Account
  2. Account Link SDK - Request Access Token
  3. Account Link SDK - Link Account
  4. Account Link SDK - Consume External Account Webhook OR Frontend Event
  5. Account Link SDK - Query External Accounts
  6. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Request Access Token
  7. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Initiate Withdrawal
  8. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Consume Payments Webhook
  9. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Query Payments
  10. Complete EOD Settlement

Context for this Example

From a use case perspective, we'll assume the Platform is a Prediction Market which allows their Customer to fund their account using USDC, leveraging the Fund product. After Customers win their bet or otherwise wish to take funds off the platform to another location, the Prediction Market also allows Customers to withdraw their funds in the form of USDC, leveraging the Account Link and Crypto Withdraw SDK.

For Fund, from a technical Setup perspective, we'll assume that the Platform is under the Onboarding API + Fund SDK setup.

The Customer participant_code will be CUST01 and the Platform's is PLAT01.

1. Fund Float Account

The first step is for the Platform to fund its fiat (ie, USD) float account. This will be used to fund subsequent withdrawal requests, since technically each withdrawal request will result in a purchase of the withdrawal asset followed by an immediate withdrawal. Here are the account details:

  • Participant_code: 00SCXM
  • Account_group: PLAT01
  • Account_label: general
  • Account_type: available
  • Asset: [fiat currency] (ie, USD)


NOTE: After each trade session, the Platform will be required to "top up" their float account for the amount that was cumulatively withdrawn. See section 10. Complete EOD Settlement for details.

2. Account Link SDK - Request Access Token

The Platform should request an access token specifying:

FieldDescriptionExample ValueRequired?
participant_codeThe 6-digit alpha numeric code associated with the Customer that is looking to withdraw (the response of the original POST /participants/customers/new call)CUST01Y
permissionsThe array of permissions that will be granted to the returned JWT token["crypto-acccount-link"]Y

Example POST /client_auth_token request:

    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "permissions": ["crypto-account-link"]

After a successful POST /client_auth_token call, the next step is to start the Account Link SDK flow, see the example below for doing it in a React application. Keep in mind that if you're using a Native Mobile App (Swift, Flutter, etc) instead of using zh-web-sdk you should follow the WebView approach, described here

import React from 'react';
import ZeroHashSDK, { AppIdentifier } from 'zh-web-sdk';

const App = () => {
  const sdk = new ZeroHashSDK({
    zeroHashAppsURL: "",
    cryptoAccountLinkJWT: "<JWT_TOKEN_HERE>" 

    appIdentifier: AppIdentifier.CRYPTO_ACCOUNT_LINK, // "crypto-account-link"
  return <></>;

export default App;

3. Account Link SDK - Link Account

At this point, the Customer is interacting with the front end SDK. The Customer will ultimately link their account.

Once the Customer successfully creates an Account we'll send a postMessage event with type CRYPTO_ACCOUNT_LINK_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_CREATED. The purpose of this event is to inform the Platform's Front end that the Customer's external_account was created and the Platform's FE can fetch that information from the GET /payments/external_accounts endpoint. Usually this will happen with the purpose of displaying these accounts on the screen for the Customer to choose from

Here is an example of how a React application could consume the CRYPTO_ACCOUNT_LINK_EXTERNAL_ACCOUNT_CREATED postMessage event:

 useEffect(() => {
    window.addEventListener('message', message => {
        // A new external account for the end-user  was created, do stuff here
    return () => {
      window.removeEventListener('message', () => {})
  }, [])

Once the account is successfully linked a Webhook Event will be sent, see more details on Section 4

4. Account Link SDK - Consume External Account Webhooks


NOTE: Your Platform must be configured with a valid webhook URL in order to receive these webhooks. Please get in touch with a Zero Hash representative so that they can set this up for you. Also, your Platform will need to be specifically enabled to receive these webhooks (the Zero Hash rep will also make this configuration).

After the Customer successfully links an account on the SDK front end, the Platform can consume the external account webhook events.

Note: the x-zh-hook-payload-type is external_account_status_changed (more details on webhooks here)

Pending Status

All external accounts pass through the pending status, even for a brief second. Example webhook payload:

	"account_nickname": "johns-usdc-eth-wallet",
	"external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
	"external_account_status": "pending",
	"participant_code": "CUST01",
	"timestamp": 1729195673718

Approved Status

Given Zero Hash performs validations on the front end, in theory 100% of the created external accounts will go into an approved status. Example webhook payload:

	"account_nickname": "johns-usdc-eth-wallet",
	"external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
	"external_account_status": "approved",
	"participant_code": "CUST01",
	"timestamp": 1729195673719

Closed Status

Platforms have the ability to close already-created external accounts via the POST /payments/external_accounts/{external_account_id}/close endpoint. This will also trigger a webhook event. Example payload:

	"account_nickname": "johns-usdc-eth-wallet",
	"external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
	"external_account_status": "closed",
	"participant_code": "CUST01",
	"timestamp": 1729195673720

Locked Status

Zero Hash's Compliance and Transaction Monitoring team are constantly reviewing external accounts and participants associated with those accounts to ensure that regulations are being followed, bad actors are unable to transact, etc. If we manually intervene and are looking to block activity related to an external account, the team will place the account initially into a locked status while they perform further analysis on the account. Example webhook payload:

	"account_nickname": "johns-usdc-eth-wallet",
	"external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
	"external_account_status": "locked",
	"participant_code": "CUST01",
	"timestamp": 1729195673721

Disabled Status

Once Zero Hash's Compliance and Transaction Monitoring team have conducted its analysis, it's possible that the external account will be closed. The external account status will then reflect this. Example webhook payload:

	"account_nickname": "johns-usdc-eth-wallet",
	"external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
	"external_account_status": "closed",
	"participant_code": "CUST01",
	"timestamp": 1729195673722

5. Account Link SDK - Query External Accounts

The Platform can also query the GET /payments/external_accounts to view information about the linked account. Example response:

    "request_id": "53fb4efd-bf98-4a48-8d89-11097983793e",
    "message": [
            "external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
            "account_nickname": "",
            "participant_code": "CUST01",
            "platform_code": "PLAT01",
            "created_at": "2024-10-26T01:11:49.077Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-10-26T01:11:49.149Z",
            "status": "approved",
            "status_reason": "",
            "type": "crypto",
            "details": {
                "network": "ETH",
                "supported_assets": [
                "address": "0xa6b0Cd1baaa15AE97D8135f0E87F61af27c6cB89",
                "destination_tag": ""

6. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Request Access Token

Now that the external account has been created, the Platform can use the Crypto Withdraw SDK. The next step is to request an access token specifying:

FieldDescriptionExample ValueRequired?
participant_codeThe 6-digit alpha numeric code associated with the Customer that is looking to withdraw (the response of the original POST /participants/customers/new call)CUST01Y
permissionsThe array of permissions that will be granted to the returned JWT token["crypto-withdrawals"]Y
external_account_idThe UUID associated with the external account0f68333e-2114-469d-b505-c850d776e063Y
quoted_assetThe fiat currency being used to fund the tradeUSDY
withdrawal_request_amountThe amount, in quoted_asset terms, to be withdrawn200Y
reference_idPlatform reference id for a specific transaction0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3N

Example POST /client_auth_token request:

    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "permissions": ["crypto-withdrawals"],
    "withdrawal_details": {
        "external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
        "quoted_asset": "USD",   
        "withdrawal_request_amount": "200"
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

Starting the Withdrawal flow

After a successful POST /client_auth_token call, the next step is to start the Withdrawal SDK flow, see the example below for doing it in a React application. Keep in mind that if you're using a Native Mobile App (Swift, Flutter, etc) instead of using zh-web-sdk you should follow the WebView approach, described here


You can see the full integration guide for Withdrawals on the link below

import React from 'react';
import ZeroHashSDK, { AppIdentifier } from 'zh-web-sdk';

const App = () => {
  const sdk = new ZeroHashSDK({
    // For production usage, please change this URL to
    zeroHashAppsURL: "",
    cryptoWithdrawalsJWT: "<JWT_TOKEN_HERE>" 

    appIdentifier: AppIdentifier.CRYPTO_WITHDRAWALS // "crypto-withdrawals"
  return <></>;

export default App;

The Customer will be shown the Withdrawal screen with a pre-populated withdrawal request, highlighting the following data points:

Data PointDescriptionExample
Withdrawal Request AmountThe amount of quoted_asset they want to withdraw200
Destination WalletThe wallet nickname and address of where the withdrawal is going toJohn's USDC on Ethereum Wallet (**cB89)
Withdrawal FeeThe transaction fee being assessed on the withdrawal1.50
Network FeeThe blockchain-assessed network fee on the withdrawal, in quoted_asset terms1.25
Withdrawal Receive AmountThe amount of the stablecoin or crypto asset that the user will be receiving197.25

7. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Initiate Withdrawal

At this point, the Customer is interacting with the front end SDK. The Customer will ultimately initiate the withdrawal.

8. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Consume Payments Webhook


NOTE: Your Platform must be configured with a valid webhook URL in order to receive these webhooks. Please get in touch with a Zero Hash representative so that they can set this up for you. Also, your Platform will need to be specifically enabled to receive these webhooks (the Zero Hash rep will also make this configuration).

After the Customer successfully initiates the Withdrawal via the SDK, the Platform should be prepared to consume the payments webhook events

Note: the x-zh-hook-payload-type is payment_status_changed (more details on webhooks here)

Status Summary

The Withdrawal will initially enter a status of submitted. From here, it's possible (yet rare) that Zero Hash has issues internally processing the transaction. If this happens, it will enter a terminal status of failed. When the transaction has been successfully broadcasted on-chain, it will enter a status of posted. A terminal status of settled is reached when the Withdrawal has been confirmed on-chain and received by the Customer.

Submitted Status

The Withdrawal will initially and briefly enter a status of submitted. Example payload:

      "withdrawal_fee_notional": "",
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

Posted Status

The withdrawal will transition into a status of posted, which means that the asset has been broadcasted on-chain. Note the presence of the on_chain_transaction_id field, which represents the on-chain hash. Typically it's expected for this to be represented to the Customer on the Platform's "Transaction History" or equivalent page in order to allow the Customer to trace the transaction. Example payload:

      "withdrawal_fee_notional": "1.50",
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

Settled Status

When the withdrawal transitions to a settled status, the transaction has been fully settled on-chain and the balance should be reflected on the Customer's destination exchange or wallet account. Example payload:

      "withdrawal_fee_notional": "1.50",
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

Failed Status

In rare instances, the withdrawal may transition to a failed status. This could be due to either Zero Hash processing issues or issues with the blockchain itself. Example payload:

      "withdrawal_fee_notional": "1.50",
   "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

9. Crypto Withdraw SDK - Query Payments

The Platform can also query the GET /payments to view information about the withdrawal. Example response:

    "request_id": "a502a26d-3734-497e-826b-d8d5734221e7",
    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "platform_code": "PLAT01",
    "obo_participant": {
        "participant_code": "CUST01",
        "account_group": "PLAT01",
        "account_label": "general"
    "payment_id": "0f68333e-2114-469d-b505-c850d776e061",
    "asset": "USDC",
    "network": "ETH",
    "quoted_asset": "USD",
    "status": "submitted",
    "external_account_id": "c476a81f-a29f-4e22-88db-1f521d7cf004",
    "created_at": "2024-11-15T23:02:06.836Z",
    "total": "200",
    "reference_id": "0bd7f7f0-cf26-495f-b2df-e8afe8481ba3"

10. Complete End of Day (EOD) Settlement

After each session, the Platform will be required to top up their float account to its original level. This is referred to as a Net Delivery Obligation (NDO). First, here are the standard settlement session and its schedules:

SessionNDO Wire Due
MondayBy Tuesday EOD
TuesdayBy Wednesday EOD
WednesdayBy Thursday EOD
ThursdayBy Friday EOD
FridayBy Monday EOD

For Bank Holidays in the US, the NDO will be due during the next valid business day.