Today we have released 3 new assets:

AXSAxie InfinityERC20YesYes
ETCEthereum ClassicBaseYesYes

See full list of supported assets here.

  • Zero Hash will be removing the array of relationship_types from the GET /participants endpoint.
  • This change is being implemented because the relationship_types data is behind-the-scene information that Zero Hash has decided does not need to be broadcasted.
  • The change shall go into effect on 4/22/2022.

For additional question or concerns please reach out to [email protected]

Today we have released 5 new assets:

LUNATerra LunaBaseYesYes

See full list of supported assets here.

  • We have successfully launched Solana (SOL), Polygon (MATIC), and Tezos (XTZ) to production.
  • The MATIC token released is the ERC-20 version
  • They will all be supported for settlement, custody, and liquidity.

See full list of assets here.

  • Before this release, platform operators could only query deposits made by themselves via GET /deposits. Going forward, they will be able to retrieve those plus any made by their customers
  • When using, be sure to specify the query param include_customer_deposits = true if you want customer deposits included. If you omit, customer deposits will be omitted. This is so that vanilla GET /deposits calls are not affected performance-wise.

Several platforms recently requested we add the transaction timestamp to the JSON response for easy record keeping. Zero Hash is proud to announce the development team has added the time of execution to the /liquidity/execute endpoint. This information has always been available, but is now included within the trade confirmation directly after execution.

Use Cases

This information can be used to directly populate the customer trade confirmation and any subsequent trade reporting for customer records. This would include email correspondence, in-app trade notifications, trade information reported on statements, and order history.

Example JSON Response

Below is an example of the new transaction_timestamp in action:

  "request_id": "14f8ebb8-7530-4aa4-bef9-9d73d56313f3",
  "quote": {
    "request_id": "ce819fe8-b1d7-43bb-961c-e09ede0988d3",
    "participant_code": "CUST01",
    "underlying_currency": "BTC",
    "quoted_currency": "USD",
    "side": "BUY",
    "quantity": "1",
    "price": "50430.90",
    "quote_id": "5cd07738b861c31e3bd61467BTC1Buy1568311644602",
    "expire_ts": 1568311649602,
    "transaction_timestamp": 1568311649600 <- Time of Execution
  "trade_id": "ba97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc",
  "status": "Completed"


Clients can now subscribe to a Websocket feed in order to receive an initial balance list for all of their accounts. While still connected, they can then receive messages that contain balance-update details.

Use Cases:

  • Platforms that enable on-chain deposits for their customers can be notified of new deposits (including important data points, such as transaction hash).
  • Platforms can stay up to date on withdrawal updates (both on-chain and fiat).
  • Understand when trade settlements take place.

API Updates

Session Tags

Session tags are now available via the /trade API endpoint. These tags help identify the session a trade was executed within and provide for a discrete start and finish based on the selected settlement schedule.

More information on how to use session tags is available here.

Portal and API Updates

API Key Approvals

  • When generating API keys on the portal, you now have the ability to set a required number of approvals amount.

  • By default, each participant's has been set to zero. If you would like this changed, please get in touch with a Zero Hash representative so that they can make the configuration change.

  • Until an API Key is officially approved, no calls can be made by that newly created key.

  • You can view the API Key status via the "status" column:

    • "CREATED" indicates that the API key has been created but is pending additional portal user approval (based on the approval configuration of your platform).
    • "APPROVED" indicates that the API key's approval configuration has been satisfied, and the key is ready to be used to make calls to our API.

  • You can also view the audit history via the "details" button, including who on your team has already created or approved a key:

API Key Expirations

  • When creating new keys (after clicking "Add API Key"), you can set an expiration date. After the expiry, the key will no longer be functional.

  • If you would not like the key to expire, simply leave the field blank.
  • This mechanism can help force your organization to implement frequent key change-outs.