Participant status updates

Webhook events triggered by a participant status update.

Platforms leveraging Zero Hash’s customer verification product should subscribe to webhooks to know if participants have been approved or rejected. This webhook can also be used by all platforms to understand if participants’ statuses have changed (i.e. if the participant has been locked or disabled).


Request an overview of reject reasons during implementation

If you are a signed or prospective Zero Hash Platform subscribing to this webhook, you can request the complete list of reject reasons by contacting your Relationship Manager or by emailing

Once a platform is configured to receive participant status webhooks, we will share real time events that include a JSON object containing the following fields:


participant_codeThe Zero Hash identifier for the new customer. Note: this value is key to enable you to submit trades and check account balances for this customer.string
participant_statusThe status of the participant, which dictates whether they can trade or not. e.g. submitted, pending_approval, approved, rejected, locked, disabled, divested, closed.string
reason_codeIf applicable, the reason the participant is in a status of locked, disabled, closed, or divested; e.g. compliance_issue, user_request. On rejection, this is set to reject_reasons[0].string
timestampThe UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) representing when the status was changed.number
reject_reasonsIf applicable, the reason(s) that a participant could have failed KYC verification. This is currently only applicable to participant rejections.string[]
kyc_attemptsNumber of attempts the participant has been rejected. By default there is a max amount of 3 retries allowed. If the participant is approved, this counter resets to 0.number


Participant submitted

  "participant_code": "ABC123",  
  "participant_status": "submitted",  
  "timestamp": 1670958435349  

Participant approved

  "participant_code": "ABC123",
  "participant_status": "approved",
  "timestamp": 1670958435349,
  "kyc_attempts": 0

Verification failed

  "participant_code": "ABC123",  
  "participant_status": "rejected",  
  "reason_code": "kyc.rejected",  
  "timestamp": 1708489569494,  
  "reject_reasons": [  
  "kyc_attempts": 1

Participant status change

  "participant_code": "ABC123",  
  "participant_status": "locked",  
  "reason_code": "compliance_issue",  
  "timestamp": 1670958435349  