Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 15, 2023
    • Updated 4/15/24 for the addition of RFQ support (see notes in Summary and Endpoints sections below)
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash has released trading and custody support for Circle's Euro-backed stablecoin: EURC. This support will be initially provided on the Stellar blockchain using the EURC.XLM symbol.

Update 4/15/24: RFQ support has been added for this asset available via the RFQ endpoints for buys and sells. A EUR account is required for buys and sells due to the trading pair denomination in Euros.

Our asset support page has been updated to reflect this.

Action Required

No action required.

Endpoints Impacted

  • POST /trades
  • GET /deposits
  • GET /deposits/digital_asset_addresses
  • POST /deposits/digital_asset_addresses
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • POST /withdrawals/requests
  • DELETE /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • GET /withdrawals/digital_asset_addresses
  • GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee
  • POST /withdrawals/execute

Updated 4/15/24

  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • GET /liquidity/rfq

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • Release Type: Informational – No immediate action required from platforms


The Zero Hash compliance team consistently monitors network risk. At times, platform customers may undergo enhanced due diligence (EDD) to authenticate the identity and/or transactional activity of the customer. Platforms may be asked to submit additional details about the end customer to Zero Hash for review via PATCH /participants/customers/:participantCode.

Zero Hash has added new fields to the participants database to accommodate EDD instances.

Action Required

No immediate action required from platforms.

Zero Hash contacts platforms directly if EDD information is required for submission.

Endpoints Impacted

  • PATCH /participants/customers/:participantCode – If EDD information is requested by the Zero Hash compliance team, it must be submitted to the PATCH endpoint. Note: You must also include <platform_updated_at> as per the PATCH endpoint guidelines.

  • POST /participants/customers/new – Platforms are not yet expected to pass EDD information when creating a participant; however as these fields (employment_status, industry, source_of_funds) are now a part of the Zero Hash participants database, platforms can expect to see the new fields included in the POST response with a null or unknown designation.

Please see the PATCH documentation for implementation guidelines.

Related Documentation

Release notes for the PATCH endpoint here.

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms


We have released the Transaction Fees feature to Production. Platforms configured to use this feature of the Convert Withdraw product will be able to specify the fees that were assessed on the order.


  • This feature is only offered to Platforms who use Zero Hash Liquidity Services. A future release will be made to open this up to our Trade Settlement (/trades) product.
  • We are adding a new endpoint called POST /convert_withdraw/rfq. It functions the exact same as the GET /convert_withdraw/rfq version. Both of them will continue to be supported indefinitely until stated otherwise. See 1-pager below, section “Flow” to see an example.
  • See dedicated 1-pager here for technical details, use cases, and more.

Action Required

If interested in the feature, please reach out to your Zero Hash representative.

Endpoints Impacted

  • POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • GET /trades
  • GET /trade/:trade_id
  • GET /accounts/:account_id/movements

Release Details

  • Release Date: Dec 5, 2023
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms


We have released the Custom Spreads feature to Production. Platforms configured to use this feature of the Convert Withdraw product will be able to, on a per order basis, define the spread amount themselves programmatically. Previously, the spread configuration was only editable manually by a Zero Hash employee upon request.


  • This feature is only offered to Platforms who use Zero Hash Liquidity Services
  • We are adding a new endpoint called POST /convert_withdraw/rfq. It functions the exact same as the GET /convert_withdraw/rfq version. Both of them will continue to be supported indefinitely until stated otherwise. See 1-pager below, section “Flow” to see an example.
  • With this release, we also began exposing 2 new fields on the GET /trades and trades/:trade_id:
    • spread_notional: notional value of the spread applied, expressed in terms of the quoted_currency
    • spread_bps: basis point value of the spread applied
      These fields are not only useful for Platforms who use the Convert Withdraw product, but any Zero Hash Liquidity Services products (excluding the Central Limit Order Book). For revenue reconciliation, Platforms can use these fields to determine the monthly amount of spread collected.

Action Required

If interested in the feature, please reach out to your Zero Hash representative.

Endpoints Impacted

  • POST /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • GET /trades
  • GET /trades/:trade_id

Release Details

  • Release Date: Nov 27th, 2023
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash is enforcing Maximum and Minimum thresholds on our RFQ system. We have set our Maximum limit of 500,000 USD and a Minimum of 0.01 USD per quote. We have updated our error responses returned to Platforms if they are in breach of our Maximum or Minimum thresholds. If a Platform wishes to adjust this maximum, please email [email protected].

Action Required

Platforms must be prepared to handle the new status 400 error that is returned when a RFQ Maximum or Minimum has been breached.

Sample Response - Maximum limit breached

    "errors": [
        "unable to obtain quote, above maximum quote notional"


Sample Response - Minimum limit breached

    "errors": [
        "unable to obtain quote, below minimum quote notional"

Endpoints Impacted

  • Liquidity
    • GET /liquidity/rfq
    • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq
  • POST /rewards
  • POST /awards

Release Details

  • Release Date: Nov 17th, 2023
  • Release Type: Actionable – Platforms must share the configs to start using this feature.


Competing crypto companies charge end customers fees to withdraw assets from their platforms to external wallets. This is also a common revenue stream in traditional finance (wire fees, account closure fees, etc.). The chargeable withdrawal fees feature will be similar to the way we manage our spreads on liquidity quotes. With this feature, platforms would be able to add additional fee on any withdrawal to an external wallet. The fee added could be a flat amount or spread or both per asset.

The withdrawal spread feature was designed to allow you, as a platform, to charge your customers (participants) a fee to withdraw assets from your platform. If enabled, a fee will be collected on every withdrawal execution and ledgered accordingly. The current feature works in NETTED and ADDITIVE settings.

Action Required

To onboard a platform, we need following platform configurations per ASSET to enable this feature:

  • "withdrawal_spread_type": 'NETTED|ADDITIVE'
  • "withdrawal_spread_fixed_fee": '0.000015'(This is defined in base currency and NOT in atomic units. So ETH and not WEI)
  • "withdrawal_spread_percentage_fee": '3'(This is in absolute % so here 3 means 3%)
  • "withdrawal_spread_platform_revenue_percentage": '60'(This is the revenue % based on agreement. In this scenario, the collected withdrawal fee account 60% to platform and 40% to ZH accounts)

Action Required

Movement type: withdrawal_spread

Platform Share

  • Participant code: <platform code>
  • Account group: UNALLOCATED
  • Account label: general

Zero Hash Share

  • Participant code: 00SCXM
  • Account group: 00SCXM
  • Account label: withdraw_feed

Sample API Payload

  "message": {
    "request_id": "6a8c267b-2f9e-4cb1-a8ee-901311891722",
    "withdrawal_quote_id": "129f5825-1a1a-40b6-8770-fcf102125e2b",
    "withdrawal_request_id": "e4b1135a-a88f-45c0-93c0-eef5f7e62729",
    "participant_code": "1NY182",
    "account_group": "JB41VN",
    "account_label": "general",
    "withdrawal_address": "0xD4eD0e192c2DBb5594eDA4601f9403a8af64e7cF",
    "destination_tag": "",
    "no_destination_tag": false,
    "asset": "ETH",
    "amount": "0.01",
    "amount_notional": "20.52",
    "network_fee": "0.000031500000252",
    "network_fee_notional": "0.06",
    "on_chain_status": "PENDING",
    "withdrawal_fee": "0.0001"


Endpoints Impacted

All impacted endpoints. Include code samples or json schema for publicly available changes.

  • POST /withdrawals/requests
  • POST /withdrawals/execute
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee

More info under each endpoint in our API documentation.

Release date

  • Sep 21, 2023

Release Type

  • Information - Optional action from platforms.



Platforms using the Convert Withdraw product can now specify whether or not the network fee notional amount is included in the total notional amount or excluded. Examples:

  • Fee inclusive: A platform requests a quote by notional for an amount of 100 USD and the breakdown is (assuming a $2 network fee):
    • asset_cost_notional: $98
    • network_fee_notional: $2
    • total_notional: $100
  • Fee exclusive: A platform requests a quote by notional for an amount of 100 USD and the breakdown is (assuming a $2 network fee):
    • asset_cost_notional: $100
    • network_fee_notional: $2
    • total_notional: $102

Action required

There is a new optional Boolean query parameter called fee_inclusive that Platforms can use on the GET /convert_withdraw/rfq endpoint. A value of true means that the network fee is inclusive. A value of false or omitting this query parameter implies a fee exclusive-type call.

Endpoints impacted

  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq

Release date

  • Jul 31st, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – Sharing technical validations
  • Actionable – If the platform uses non-documentary validation and has existing participants without required documents uploaded

Enhanced validation

Technical validation will be deployed such that any participant who has been verified using documentary verification must have a document uploaded to move to an approved status. See Summary below for additional details on the technical verification.

Please note that the technical logic now aligns with the existing Zero Hash compliance requirement. The compliance requirement is that when a customer is submitted to POST /participants/customers/new with an ID type that is not SSN, the underlying identification document must be uploaded via POST /participants/documents.

Existing participants

Any existing participants validated through documentary verification without the necessary document uploaded will automatically move to submitted status until such document is uploaded. When a document is uploaded for such an existing participant via POST /participants/documents, the participant can move to approved status.

If a Platform has impacted participants, Platform Solutions will send a list of affected participants to such Platform.


For customer verification, Zero Hash allows:

  • Documentary customer verification: ID types here – Required for non-US permanent residents (i.e., anyone who does not have an SSN). Also permitted for existing US customers who have already provided an identification number from a permissible official identification document, such as a passport or state driver’s license.
  • Non-documentary customer verification: SSN verification – Required for all US residents (with an SSN). Note: Platforms may still submit documentary evidence on top of SSN for these participants if they so choose.

Zero Hash has enhanced the technical logic and error handling around posting participants that have been verified using documentary verification. The technical logic now aligns with the existing Zero Hash compliance requirement that when a customer is submitted to POST /participants/customers/new with an ID type that is not SSN, the underlying identification document must be uploaded via POST /participants/documents.

Note that for US persons, non-documentary validation through SSN is permissible and no document is required to be uploaded.

Until a document is uploaded, the participant remains in a submitted state and is unable to make any requests (i.e., buy, sell, deposit, withdraw) until documents are posted. This logic upholds onboarding requirements for platforms and ensures participants missing necessary verification information are not advanced to approved.

Action required

It is an existing requirement that Platforms must ensure they are posting copies of a participant’s customer ID document that matches the identification (ID) number that was provided via POST /participants/customer/new. No document is required for non-documentary validation, currently only an SSN for US persons. Please note that the ID must be a permitted type.

Once Zero Hash receives the required documents, the participant will move to an approved state. More details on participant statuses here.

Endpoints impacted

If POST /participants/customers/new uses one of the following id_number_type, then an accompanying document is required to be submitted to POST /participants/documents:

  • us_drivers_license
  • us_passport
  • us_passport_card
  • us_permanent_resident_card
  • us_border_crossing_card
  • us_alien_card
  • us_id_card
  • non_us_passport
  • non_us_other

The only exception is SSN (considered non-documentary evidence). For id_number_type “ssn”, or if a U.S. tax_id (i.e., SSN) is submitted, there is no requirement to post a document.

Relevant documentation

API documentation regarding POST /participants/customers/new and POST /participants/documents

Related reminder (updated July 25, 2023)

Platforms also are reminded that as of September 5, 2023 (updated date), Zero Hash is implementing the enhanced “know your customer” or KYC format for all newly submitted retail Participant customers. This change was announced to Platforms on April 26, 2023.

As of September 5, 2023 (updated date), any new newly submitted participants whose application does not meet these standards will be declined.

Release date

  • July 18th, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash now has the ability to apply different spreads per instrument (i.e., BTC/USD). Previously, only a default spread configuration existed. Now platforms have the ability to override this amount on a per-instrument basis.

Action Required

Please reach out to Zero Hash support if interested in using this feature as the configuration can only be made internally.

Release date

  • July 17th, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has updated our REST API to return all float and integers data types as a String. For more information on how to use our REST API to integrate with the Zero Hash Central Limit Order Book, please read our API specification Central Limit Order Book.

Endpoints impacted

The endpoint POST /orders/v1/search_orders will now return the parameters with the value represented as a string.


  • "avg_px" : “0”

Relevant documentation

Additional CLOB information available here.