Release date

  • July 6th, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – Optional action from platforms.


We will be implementing a change to improve performance related to settlement processing that requires the run_id field to migrate to a UUID "string" type.

On the REST API, the run_id field is currently being passed as type “string”, but appears as an integer (i.e., “123456”). We will be changing this to a UUID "string" type (i.e., “7f30ac2e-aa6d-4390-931a-2f947253722a”).

Additionally, on the Websocket Balances feed, the run_id is currently being passed as type “integer”. We will be changing this to a UUID "string" type.

Action required

Platforms need to adjust to make sure they support ingesting the run_id as a "string" instead of as an "integer". A specific use case that would be impacted would be if a platform is relying on the run_id integer to keep track of sequencing.

Impacted endpoints and WebSocket feed

  • REST Endpoints
    • GET /accounts/:account_id/run_history
    • GET /accounts/:account_id/movements
    • GET /deposits
  • WebSocket Feed
    • Balances

Relevant documentation

Release date

  • June 27, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – Optional action from platforms.


We’ve enhanced our Market Data product with three new features or endpoints: News, Symbol Data, and Images.


The News feature consists of three new endpoints that allow platforms access to aggregated crypto news. These endpoints include access to more than 70+ sources for relevant market news.

  • GET /market_data/news/latest: Access an aggregated feed of news articles with the ability to filter by various parameters such as news source, categories, lookback, language, and sort by.
  • GET /market_data/news/feeds: Displays a list of available news sources.
  • GET /market_data/news/categories: Displays a list of available categories to filter by.

Symbol Data

  • GET /market_data/symbol_data: This endpoint includes over 40+ data points related to a trading pair that allows platforms to create a more robust trading experience for users.


This endpoint will allow users to retrieve the image in the URL received in the news and symbol data response.

Additional Important Information

Zero Hash uses dot notation. To query for an asset like BAT, use BAT.ETH/USD

Action required

To use the market data endpoints, a signed Market Data Services Addendum is required. Please contact our sales or client services team for pricing information via slack or via [email protected].


There are additional endpoints we are exploring related to market data, some include Blockchain Data, Social Sentiment, Market Indicators, Toplists/Watchlists, and Expanded OHLCV historical data time frames.

Release date

  • June 19th, 2023

Release type

  • Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has updated their FIX API to include additional tags in new order single messages. This feature enables clients to close out all of their positions to liquidate their account balances. The liquidate balances feature bypasses any trade minimums defined by clients. To send a liquidation order for a participant, pass the tag ExecInst 18=c on new order entry messages. Orders that are supported in liquidating orders are Market to Limit orders only on the Sell side.

Endpoints impacted

  • On the FIX API, the following endpoints are impacted, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:
    • New Order - Single (D)
    • ExecInst <18>

Relevant documentation

  • Additional CLOB information available here


See update at: 2024-05-01 Updated List of Prohibited, Restricted, and Permitted Higher Risk Non-U.S. Jurisdictions

Release Date

  • Prod: October 6, 2023 (Updated October 31, 2023)
  • Platform Implementation Requirement Dates:
    • October 8, 2023 (UK only)
    • December 1, 2023 (all other countries and jurisdictions except as noted below)

Release Type

  • Actionable – Updates required for platforms
  • Breaking – If appropriate IP and other preventive measures are not made by the relevant dates, Platforms will have newly submitted participants located in certain countries declined by Zero Hash:


Zero Hash has implemented prohibitions or restrictions on business activity with or in certain jurisdictions and countries, in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Updates have been made to the list of prohibited, restricted, and permitted higher-risk geographies.

Updated list

Following the recent completion of its latest review, Zero Hash is updating its list of prohibited and restricted list to the following countries and jurisdictions or geographies (new listings are noted in parentheticals):

Prohibited (Tier 1)

  • Belarus
  • Central African Republic
  • Democratic Republic of the Congo
  • Cuba
  • Gaza Strip (added October 31, 2023)
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • North Korea
  • Lebanon (new)
  • Libya (new)
  • Mali (new)
  • Russia*
  • Somalia
  • South Sudan
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Russian Occupied Regions of Ukraine (Crimea, Luhansk AKA LNR, Donetsk AKA DNR)* (does not apply to territory controlled by the Government of Ukraine)
  • Yemen
  • Zimbabwe

*Russia-Ukraine War policy established March 2022.

Restricted (Tier 2)

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania (Western Balkans) (new)
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina (Western Balkans)
  • Burundi
  • Ethiopia
  • Guineau Bisseau (new)
  • Haiti (new)
  • Kosovo (Western Balkans)
  • Montenegro (Western Balkans) (new)
  • Nicaragua (new)
  • North Macedonia (Western Balkans) (new)
  • Serbia (Western Balkans) (new)
  • Venezuela (new)
  • Restricted (Tier 3)
  • Bahamas
  • People’s Republic of China (PRC)†
  • Japan
  • PRC Special Autonomous Region (SAR) Hong Kong‡
  • The Netherlands¶ (added October 31, 2023)
  • The United Kingdom§ (new)

† Additional limitations related to the People's Republic of China: No Platform or business with more than 50% Chinese investors will be approved as a customer of Zero Hash.

‡ As of June 1, 2023, all participant types from Hong Kong are blocked from onboarding and buying/acquiring assets. Existing participants are blocked from buying/acquiring assets but will be allowed to 1) sell/withdraw and 2) update their address if they are no longer located in Hong Kong.

§ As of October 8, 2023, no new customers will be permitted from the United Kingdom until Zero Hash has obtained the necessary licensing. Existing customers will be permitted to withdraw/sell existing assets.

¶ As of November 1, 2023, no new customers will be permitted from The Netherlands until Zero Hash has obtained the necessary licensing. Existing customers will be permitted to withdraw/sell existing assets.

Permitted Higher Risk Geographies

Following the recent completion of its latest review, Zero Hash also has established a new list of Permitted Higher Risk Geographies for which Enhanced Due Diligence measures will be applied to all existing and new Platform, business, and individual customers of Zero Hash and all Platform participants (whether natural or non-natural persons).

The following countries and jurisdictions or geographies are included in this list, which is based upon the FATF’s “Grey List” and other public and proprietary assessments of AML/CFT/CFP, fraud, corruption, and other relevant risks**:

  • Barbados
  • Bulgaria (added October 31, 2023)
  • Burkina Faso
  • Cameroon
  • Croatia
  • Gibraltar
  • Jamaica
  • Jordan
  • Mozambique
  • Nigeria
  • Panama
  • Philippines
  • Senegal
  • South Africa
  • Tanzania
  • Turkey
  • Uganda
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Vietnam

** As of November 1, 2023, the Cayman Islands is no longer included on this list.

Actions required


Platforms must ensure they adhere to Zero Hash’s requirements for existing participant accounts in prohibited or restricted countries and jurisdictions and ensure no new participants are onboarded with Zero Hash.

Platforms must ensure they are able to properly and consistently identify the location (both at time of onboarding and for transactions) of participants consistent with Zero Hash’s requirements.

For additional general information regarding the U.S. geographies that Zero Hash supports, please also refer to Permitted and Restricted Jurisdictions.

Release date

  • CERT: June 7th, 2023
  • PROD: June 12th, 2023

Release type

Actionable - Updates are required for platforms. Conditionally required fields are added for platforms. Liquidity Providers will not be impacted.


New FIX fields have been added to the order entry API on the Central Limit Order Book:

  • CustomerOrderCapacity <528>:

    • A = AGENCY
  • CustomerOrderCapacity <582>:

    • 1 = OWN_ACCOUNT
    • 4 = ALL_OTHER
  • ExecRestatementReason <378>:

    • On orders that have been canceled using our SelfTradePreventionInstruction <8000> will receive an ExecRestatementReason<378> = Other <99>

Relevant documentation

Additional CLOB information available here.

Release date

May 29th, 2023

Release type

Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has updated our FIX API to include additional tags in execution reports. In tag <13> CommType, we are now sending the commission as 'absolute' which is represented by 13=3. In the commission tag <12>, we are sending the commissions on a per fill basis. We have also added in tag <381> Gross Trade Amount which returns the notional amount of the trade.

For self-trade prevention, Zero Hash has added tag <8000> Self-trade prevention instruction which allows clients to control the way they handle self-match prevention on order placements.

  • 8000=B: Self-matching orders will cancel both new and resting orders.
  • 8000=N: Self-matching orders will cancel the new order and keep the resting order. (Default)
  • 8000=O: Self-matching orders will cancel the resting order.

Endpoints impacted

On the FIX API, the following endpoints are impacted, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:

  • New Order - Single (D)
  • SelfMatchPreventionInstruction <8000>
  • Execution Report - 8

Relevant documentation:
Additional CLOB information available here.

Release Information

  • Release Date: May 10, 2023
  • Release Type: Informational – Optional action from platforms


We are releasing an endpoint called GET /market_data/ohlcv in the PROD environment. This endpoint contains historical open, high, low, close, volume (OHLCV) for minute, hourly, and daily time frames. There is an additional field, average_transaction_price, which is the average trade price over a specified time period.

Zero Hash provides historical data for all crypto assets that we provide custody for. For quoted currencies, we support the following symbols:

  • USD
  • AUD
  • GBP
  • EUR
  • BRL

Query Parameters

  • underlying: yes - First symbol in a pair, usually a crypto symbol
  • quoted_currency: yes - Second symbol in a pair, usually a fiat currency
  • time_frame: yes - Daily, hourly, minute
  • limit: no - How much data to return (max 2000)
  • data_end_date: no - Returns all data up to the specified date (timestamp)
  • all_data: no - For daily data only – returns all data for a pair

Sample Response

   "message": [
         "time": 1682726400,
         "high": 29463.49,
         "low": 29090.83,
         "open": 29339.91,
         "underlying_volume": 11322.94,
         "quoted_volume": 331791755.46,
         "close": 29250.94,
         "average_transaction_price": 29302.62

Additional Important Information

Zero Hash uses dot notation. To query for an asset like BAT, use BAT.ETH/USD.

Minute data is for a rolling 7-day period.

Action Required

There was a new API key permission that was added in order to use this new endpoint. You will need to create a new key and enable the Market Data permission to successfully hit the endpoint.

Coming Soon

In the future, we will expand functionality of the GET /market_data endpoint to include news feeds, as well as additional asset information like market cap, circulating supply, and coin images.

Release Information

  • Prod Release Date: April 26, 2023
  • Platform Implementation Requirement Deadline: September 5, 2023 (updated from Aug 1, 2023)

Release Type

Actionable – Updates required for platforms

Breaking – If updates are not made by September 5, 2023 (updated from Aug 1, 2023), newly submitted participants will be declined. There will be no further extensions to this deadline.


Zero Hash has updated their minimum order settings on the CLOB to $1.00. Prior to this release, the minimum order size was $0.01. The quantity and price precisions (tick size) have not changed.

Existing Data Update

Platforms will be required to pass new participant KYC elements as their own, normalized fields, rather than as <metadata>. This enables field validation and further KYC services to be provided by Zero Hash.

New Data Collection

As of Aug 1, 2023, platforms will be required to submit at least one new field for submitting new participants – <citizenship> – and, conditionally, <tax_id>.

Action Required

  • Existing data update: Update participant KYC elements as individual data elements.
  • New data collection: Submit at least one new field for citizenship and conditionally submit tax ID.

Endpoints Impacted

  • POST /participants/customers/new
  • POST /participants/entity/new (tax ID and citizenship only)
  • PATCH /participants/customers/:participantCode (used if tax ID is missing where citizenship = "United States")
  • POST /participants/customers/promote_minor

Relevant Documentation

Zero Hash has updated Participants API documentation to reflect the above.

Release Information

  • Release date: Tuesday, April 11th, 2023
  • Release type: Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has updated their minimum order settings on the CLOB to $1.00. Prior to this release, the minimum order size was $0.01. The quantity and price precisions (tick size) have not changed.

SymbolTypeQuantity PrecisionTick SizeMin Order Size

If an order is placed now with a notional value below $1.00, an Execution Report (35=8) will be sent with FIX tag 150=8 and the rejection reason in field 58. E.g. 58=Low total notional size limit is 1, given 0.50.

If an order is placed with more than the number of supported decimals, a FIX rejection message (35=3) will be returned with the rejection reason in field 58. E.g.58=Value is incorrect (out of range)for this tag 371=38 or 58=Value is incorrect (out of range)for this tag 371=44.

Endpoints Impacted

On the FIX API, the following endpoints are impacted, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:

  • New Order - Single (D)
  • Order Cancel Request (F)
  • Order Cancel/Replace Request (G)

Relevant Documentation

Additional CLOB information available here.


In September, the Ethereum network moved from a proof of work to a proof of stake model. However, for those with ETH staked on the network, there was no option to unstake ETH until a future set of upgrades.

There are two associated upgrades titled “Shanghai” (execution layer) and “Capella” (consensus layer) that will go live in a hard fork of the Ethereum mainnet (PROD environment) in slot 6,209,536, which will arrive on Apr. 12, 2023, around 10:27:35 PM UTC. Ethereum testnet Goerli (CERT environment) went through this hard fork last month without issue.

There is no expected downtime during the fork and the network should automatically follow the new chain. Our teams will be monitoring this upgrade closely.

Related Links