Release Information

Enhanced Participant Status and Locking Mechanism

Release Date

April 4, 2023

Release Type

Actionable – Responses returned from Zero Hash may impact user experience


Zero Hash has implemented improvements to its participant status system to better manage fraud and risk mitigation. New statuses and reason codes have been introduced, providing platforms with more insight into participant status changes. Additionally, a new endpoint for locking participants has been added.

New Statuses and Reason Codes

StatusReason CodeDescription
submittednullNone - participant is awaiting initial approval
approvednullAll - participant was never under investigation
approvedrisk_clearedAll - participant was under investigation but risk was cleared
lockeduser_requestClosing only (sell/withdraw)
pending_unlockuser_requestClosing only (sell/withdraw)
pending_disableuser_requestClosing only (sell/withdraw)

Action Required

  • No specific action required, but transaction availability may be impacted based on participant status changes.
  • Platforms can now use the POST /participants/customers/:participantCode/lock endpoint to lock participants.

New Endpoint

  • Endpoint: POST /participants/customers/:participantCode/lock
    • Description: Used to lock participants upon termination of relationship.
    • Parameters: reason_code, notes (optional)
    • Sample Request:
      POST /participants/customers/7PJM14/lock
       "reason_code": "compliance_issue",
       "notes": "confirmed fraud"
    • Sample Response: OK or error message

Endpoints Impacted

  • All transactional endpoints will reference participant status before allowing or denying requests.
  • GET /participants will now display expanded statuses and include a "reason_code".
  • Introduction of new endpoint POST /participants/customers/:participantCode/lock.

Relevant Documentation

Future Release

Zero Hash plans to develop webhooks for Q3 to alert platforms of participant status changes.

Additional Notes

  • Platforms are responsible for locking customers upon termination of their relationship, using the provided endpoint.

API Updates

Trade Execution Rejection for Amounts Less Than a Penny


Trade executions that result in an amount less than a penny (.01) as calculated by trade_price * trade_quantity will be rejected.

Impacted Endpoints

  • GET /liquidity/rfq
  • POST /rewards
  • POST /awards/fund
  • POST /awards/distribute
  • POST /trades
  • POST /trades/batch

Error Messages

  • If a request results in a quote for less than a penny: "rfq notional must be greater than 0"
  • If a trade is submitted for settlement for an amount less than a penny: "BadRequest: The submitted notional is less than the minimum precision supported by the quoted currency (0.01 USD)"

Release Information

Enabling Destination-Tag Specification for Convert-Withdraw Product

Release Date

March 27, 2023

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Platforms can now specify a destination-tag when using the Convert-Withdraw product with tag-based assets (XRP, XLM, HBAR, etc.). This new optional feature provides more flexibility for platforms.

Action Required

  • Platforms interested in using the new feature should work with Zero Hash support if they are not already utilizing the Convert-Withdraw product.
  • Platforms already enabled with Convert-Withdraw should ensure they are enabled for any tag-based assets they wish to support, if not already configured.

Endpoints Impacted

  • GET /convert_withdraw/rfq: Platforms should refer to the API docs to see how to build a request using a destination-tag.
  • This will not affect the POST /convert_withdraw/execute request.

Relevant Documentation

  • OpenAPI Spec
  • Further documentation may be provided in the future.

Release Date

Friday, March 03, 2023

Release Type

Informational – Optional action from platforms.


Zero Hash is pleased to announce that we have increased support for additional query parameters when using our GET /transfers endpoint. Prior to this launch, Platforms could only query applying a filter for the client_transfer_id.

Action Required

This is a feature that Platforms can opt to use if they are already using transfers to query transfer history. No additional configuration is required.

Endpoints Impacted

GET /transfers will now support the following query parameters:

  • page: Optional. This is to allow the Platform to paginate through response payloads.

  • page_size: Optional. Shall dictate the size of the list in the response payloads.

  • to_participant_code: Optional. Filter for transfers that have the participant_code matching what is provided in the query param.

  • from_participant_code: Optional. Filter for transfers that have the participant_code matching what is provided in the query param.

  • requested_timestamp: Optional. Correspond to the created_at date. Requested_timestamp filters movements based on a given timestamp in milliseconds 1593798130060 or nanoseconds 1593798130060000000 using the following next params for the following filter types:

    • [gt]: greater than a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130060
    • [gte]: greater than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[gte]=1593798130060
    • [e]: equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[e]=1593798130060
    • [lt]: less than a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130060
    • [lte]: lower than or equal to a given timestamp, e.g. requested_timestamp[lte]=1593798130060

    Combinations are also possible, e.g. to find movements between 1593798130555 and 1593798130777 you can use the next combination requested_timestamp[gt]=1593798130555&requested_timestamp[lt]=1593798130777

Relevant Documentation


Coming soon


Release Date

Wednesday, February 1, 2022

Release Type

Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.


Zero Hash has now added an account label query parameter to the following endpoints:

  • GET /trades
  • GET /positions
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /deposits

Prior to this release, platforms were not able to designate a specific account label for these responses and thus received back a larger data set than was needed.

Account Labels can be thought of as "sub account groups". Within each account group, you can have many account labels. They are used to separate funds at a more granular level. One individual can have two separated BTC accounts, for example.

Platforms are now able to add the account label filter to all of these responses in order to query by account label as well as participant code.

Action Required

Informational – No action or changes necessary from platforms.

Endpoints Impacted

The following endpoints are impacted due to this feature improvement, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:

  • GET /trades
  • GET /positions
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /deposits

Relevant Documentation

Release Date

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Release Type

Informational – Please see the “Action Required” section for instructions on enabling this feature.


Zero Hash has now added the ability for platforms to provide an account label when using the following endpoint:

  • POST /deposits/digital_asset_addresses

Prior to this release, platforms were not able to designate a specific account label for a digital asset deposit, and thus could not create different on-chain digital asset addresses for a customer that had multiple accounts on their platform.

Account Labels can be thought of as "sub account groups". Within each account group, you can have many account labels. They are used to separate funds at a more granular level. One individual can have two separated BTC accounts, for example.

Platforms are now able to designate a specific account label when creating multiple digital asset addresses. This functionality is available on a per participant and per asset basis. If Zero Hash receives a new account label within the deposit request, a new on-chain address will be created. Please note that each on-chain address creation event will incur network fees.

Account labels must conform to the following criteria:

  • Account labels are case sensitive and can be a maximum of 40 characters
  • Only numbers, letters, hyphens, and underscores are allowed.

Sending the same account label with different cases will result in multiple accounts being created.

Action Required

If you would like to enable this feature, please reach out to [email protected]. This will allow our team to properly configure platform settings to create multiple on-chain addresses per participant code per asset.

Endpoints Impacted

The following endpoint is impacted due to this feature improvement, the change being available in both Cert and Production environments:

  • POST /deposits/digital_asset_addresses

Relevant Documentation

API Updates

  • The GET /index endpoint has been converted from a public endpoint, to private
  • This means that you will only be able to consume /index data via a valid API key
  • A new API key permission has been added for index
    • All existing API Keys have been backfilled with read permissions for index

Release Date

Friday, December 16, 2022

Release Type

Actionable – Updates required for platforms that have enabled withdrawals and want to use the new feature.


Zero Hash now supports additional configurations related to handling network fees for withdrawals. The new model allows platforms to generate a network fee quote and execute it upon approval from the end user. Network fees are quoted and debited based on the requested withdrawal asset, making it easier for end users to understand charges. Network fees are also netted from the requested withdrawal amount, ensuring that end users do not owe more than they request to withdraw.

How It Works

  • Platforms need to be configured by Zero Hash for the service.
  • Platforms generate a withdrawal quote using GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee, which returns details about the withdrawal and a withdrawal_quote_id.
  • Withdrawal_quote_ids are valid for 30 seconds.
  • After the Participant accepts the quote, the Platform executes the quote by passing the withdrawal_quote_id using POST /withdrawals/execute.
  • Zero Hash performs ledgering actions, including generating a pending withdrawal and creating a confirmed withdrawal message.

Action Required

Platforms interested in using the feature need to reach out to Zero Hash Customer Service team or Platform Solutions team for additional configurations. This will impact how Platforms execute withdrawals and will require using the aforementioned endpoints to facilitate all withdrawals.

Endpoints Impacted

NEW - GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee

Accepted Parameters:

  • "participant_code" (Required)
  • "account_group" (Optional)
  • “account_label" (Optional)
  • "amount" (Required)
  • "max_amount" (Optional)
  • "asset" (Required)
  • "withdrawal_account_id" (Required if withdrawal_address is not provided)
  • "withdrawal_address" (Required if withdrawal_account_id is not provided)
  • "destination_tag" (Required for tag-based assets)

Example Request

GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee?participant_code=CUST01&account_group=PLAT01&account_label=general&amount=0.02&asset=BTC&withdrawal_address=mohjSavDdQYHRYXcS3uS6ttaHP8amyvX78

Example Response

 'account_group': 'PLAT01',
 ‘request_id’: 'ac3se065c-a35d-xc3f-s802-2cefaabed6123’',
 'account_label': 'general',
 'amount': '0.02',
 'amount_notional': '339.39',
 'asset': 'BTC',
 'destination_tag': '',
 'max_amount': False,
 'net_withdrawal_notional': '339.34',
 'net_withdrawal_quantity': '0.01999718',
 'network_fee': '0.00000282',
 'network_fee_notional': '0.05',
 'participant_code': 'CUST01',
 'withdrawal_account_id': '',
 'withdrawal_address': 'mohjSavDdQYHRYXcS3uS6ttaHP8amyvX78',
 'withdrawal_quote_id': '53b9065c-185d-4c9f-ba90-2cefaabed6e1'

Release Date

Available in Cert as of December 7, 2022

Once Cert testing has been completed, platforms may be approved for Prod use

Release Type

Actionable, non-breaking – Updates required for platforms, but it will not break current functionality


Zero Hash has added an endpoint (PATCH /participants/customers/{participant_code}) that permits platforms to update certain participant data. This enables address updates to participants, which allows for easier reporting (including tax reporting) and improved end user experience when transacting on the Zero Hash platform.

Important note: This endpoint does not support updating entities, which will come at a later date on a distinct endpoint. Updating authorized minors occurs on a different endpoint that is not public.

Updatable Information

Fixed pieces of participant information are updatable via this new endpoint:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Email
  • ID

Zero Hash requires that platforms perform due diligence when a participant updates fundamental pieces of their identity, so a <platform_updated_at> timestamp has been introduced to capture when the platform validated and approved the participant submitted update.

All update requests must include the following. Requests that don’t include the following will fail.

  • participant_code – The unique identifier of the participant being updated
  • platform_updated_at – A UNIX (ms) timestamp of when the platform verified/accepted the participant requested update

Endpoints Impacted

The addition of this endpoint does not impact the functionality of any other existing endpoints; however, it is inherently tied to POST /participants/customers/new.

New Endpoint:

PATCH /participants/customers/{participant_code}

Seeing as the endpoint request involves a <participant_code>, multiple participants cannot be updated in one call.

Action Required

Platforms are required to backfill data that was previously updated by participants. Platforms should also begin to pass participant updates through as those updates are verified/approved to ensure no disruption in participant access to transactions, and to enable accurate state reporting for Zero Hash. This includes all address updates, not just updates in and out of heavily regulated jurisdictions.

Success and Failure Messages

A platform can send one update at a time (e.g. just address), or multiple (e.g. name and address); however, if segment requirements are not met, the whole update will be declined.


Successfully updated data200 + payload of the updated participant record
Submits data that is not updatable400: Cannot update the requested fields: {fields listed}
Segment requirements were not met400: Data segment validation failed. One or more segment fields either invalid or not provided. Segment error: “{required field} required field”, “{field_name} should match format {required format}”
Participant is not allowed to be updated via this endpoint400 - Participant {participant_code} is not a customer
Platform is not approved to submit participant updates403 - Participant {platform_code} is not allowed to submit/update customers
Relationship does not exist between the platform and participant403 - Participant {participant_code} is not a customer of {platform_code}
Only platform_updated_at is submitted400 - platform_updated_at submitted with no data segment to update

Restricted Jurisdiction Residents

When updating participant data, platforms may find that a participant is moving from a less restricted jurisdiction to a more heavily restricted jurisdiction, or vice versa. The most prominent example right now is a participant moving to or from New York (NY). Specifically, New York residents can only trade a subset of Zero Hash supported assets.

Participant moves to NY who holds a NY restricted asset:
These participants will be allowed to hold, sell, or withdraw the NY restricted asset at any time. They will not be able to buy, deposit, transfer, or **gain rewards in the NY restricted asset.

Participant moves out of NY:
Once the address update is successful, the participant will be able to make requests for assets that were not available in NY, barring the assets are allowed in the new participant jurisdiction. Platforms are encouraged to get proof of new address across the board, and especially for those leaving NY

Relevant Documentation

Please reference the Participants section of the API documentation.