New Order Single (35=D)

Place a New Order Single request over FIX API.

The New Order Single message facilitates the submission of an order to the Central Limit Order Book (CLOB). Upon receiving this message, the FIX Gateway processes the request and provides a response in the form of an Execution Report or Business Message Reject, depending on the outcome of the order submission process.

This message serves as the primary method for initiating new trading orders within the system, enabling users to specify key order parameters such as instrument symbol, quantity, side (buy/sell), and price.

Message Fields

TagField NameRequiredNote
Standard HeaderMsgType = D
50SenderSubIDYesParticipant ID created at Zero Hash with specific relationships on the CLOB
1AccountYesTrading Account on the CLOB. This information will be shared during onboarding
11ClOrdIdYesUnique identifier of the order. Must be unique for each session
18ExecInst-6 = Post Only (Participate Don't Initiate)
c = Ignore Price Validity Checks (To liquidate account)
21HandlInstYes1 = Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention:
2 = Automated execution order, public Broker intervention OK
3 = Manual order, best execution
22SecurityIDSourceYes8 = Exchange Symbol
38OrderQtyYesThe amount of the base asset to be transacted.
38 = 10.5146.
Note - Not Required if field 152 used on Market with left over as Limit order instead
40OrdTypeYesThe type of order for the request which can be:
2 = Limit
3 = Stop
4 = Stop Limit
K = Market with left over as Limit
44Price-The limit price for limit orders of the quote asset e.g. 19000.50 The decimal precision must fall within the requirements for each instrument
48SecurityIDYesSymbol of the instrument being traded.
48 = BTC/USD
54SideYesSide of the order.
1 = Buy
2 = Sell
55Symbol-Symbol of the instrument being traded e.g. BTC/USD, ETH/USD, etc
59TimeInForce-Specifies how long the order remains in effect. The following values are supported:
0 = Day
1 = Good Till Cancel
3 = Immediate Or Cancel
6 = Good Till Time
60TransactTimeYesTime of execution/order creation. UTC time in datetime to millisecond or nanosecond format
99StopPx-Specifies the quote price at which the order activates for Stop order types
126ExpireTime-Required if TimeInForce = 6. UTC time in datetime to millisecond or nanosecond format
152CashOrderQty-Can be used to specify dollar value to buy or sell on Market with left over as Limit orders instead of OrdQty(38)
528OrderCapacityConditionallyOrderCapacity identifies the person submitting the trade. Values supported are :
A = Agency
G = Proprietary
I = Individual
P = Principle
R = Riskless Principle
W = Agent for Other Member
582CustOrderCapacityConditionallyCustOrderCapacity identifies the customer/beneficiary of the trade.
1 = Member trading for their own account
2 = Clearing Firm trading for its proprietary account
3 = Member trading for another member
4 = All other
5 = Retail Customer
6127ConditionTriggerMethod-Specifies the trigger reference price for Stop Order.
2 = Last Trade Price (Default)
5 = Settlement Price
8000SelfMatchPreventionInstruction-The following values specify what to do when two orders submitted by the same portfolio attempt to match.
N = Cancel Aggressing Order
O = Cancel Resting Order
Standard Trailer---

Example Message

# Client - BTC/USD Buy Limit GTC Order for OrderQty 0.01 at Price of 19000.50

8   =   FIXT.1.1
9   =   254
35  =   D
34  =   426
50  =   [ParticipantId]
52  =   20230307-13:24:29.863406207
56  =   ZERO
1   =   [Account]
11  =   3637983906161824000
18  =   R
21  =   1
22  =   8
38  =   0.01
40  =   2
44  =   19000.50
48  =   BTC/USD
54  =   1
55  =   BTC/USD
58  =   ZH Testing Trades
59  =   1
60  =   20230307-13:24:29.863406207
167 =   CS
10  =   007

8 = FIXT.1.1 | 9 = 254 | 35= D | 34= 426 | 49= YOURSENDERCOMP | 50= [ParticipantId] | 52= 20230307-13:24:29.863406207 | 56= ZERO | 1 = [Account] | 11= 3637983906161824000 | 18= R | 21= 1 | 22= 8 | 38= 0.01 | 40= 2 | 44= 19000.50 | 48= BTC/USD | 54= 1 | 55= BTC/USD | 58= ZH Testing Trades | 59= 1 | 60= 20230307-13:24:29.863406207 | 167 = CS | 10= 007