Tag | Field Name | Data Type | Req’d | Description |
StandardHeader | Y | |||
1041 | FirmTradeID | String | Y | Trade identifier as allocated by Zero Hash. |
RootParties | ||||
856 | TradeReportType | Int | Y | This trade report's type. |
487 | TradeReportTransType | Int | Y | This trade report's transaction type. |
55 | Symbol | String | Y | Instrument identifier. |
31 | LastPx | Price | Y | Price of this trade. |
32 | LastQty | Qty | N | Quantity bought or sold on this trade. |
167 | SecurityType | String | Y | Type of security being traded. SP = Spot |
828 | TrdType | Int | Y | Type of trade. |
1193 | SettlMethod | Char | Y | Settlement method for this trade. |
60 | TransactTime | UTCTimestamp | Y | Timestamp of event submitting the trade. |
6761 | Anonymous | Char | N | Whether identifying information for this trade should be hidden. |
Defaults to 'Y' if not provided. | ||||
TrdCapRptSideGrp | ||||
1003 | TradeID | String | N | Identifier assigned to the matched trade. |
939 | TrdRptStatus | Int | Y | Whether the trade was accepted or rejected. 0 = Accepted 1 = Rejected |
58 | Text | String | N | Free format text string. |
751 | TradeReportRejectReason | Int | N | Reason for trade rejection. 0 = Successful 1 = Invalid Party Information 2 = Unknown Instrument 3 = Unauthorized to Report Trades 4 = Invalid Trade Type 99 = Other |
StandardTrailer |