552 | NoSides | NumInGroup | Y | Number of sides in this repeating group. Required to be 2 |
54 | Side | Char | Y | Side of this party. Supported values: 1 = Buy, 2 = Sell |
1154 | SideCurrency | Currency | Y | Currency used in the trade capture report. |
119 | SettlCurrAmt | Amt | N | The amount of the SideCurrency to be paid to this side for settlement of this trade. Required if LastQty is not included. |
1444 | SideLiquidityInd | Int | N | Indicator of whether liquidity was provided or taken. Supported values: 1 = AddedLiquidity, 2 = RemovedLiquidity |
37 | OrderID | String | N | Unique identifier of the order as assigned by Zero Hash. |
11 | ClOrdID | String | N | Client assigned unique identifier for the cancel or the cancel/replace request. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Should not exceed 30 characters. |
1427 | SideExecID | String | N | Identifier for this side. |
| Parties | | | |