Trade Capture Report: Repeating Groups

TagField NameData TypeReq’dDescription
552NoSidesNumInGroupYNumber of sides in this repeating group. Required to be 2
54SideCharYSide of this party. Supported values: 1 = Buy, 2 = Sell
1154SideCurrencyCurrencyYCurrency used in the trade capture report.
119SettlCurrAmtAmtNThe amount of the SideCurrency to be paid to this side for settlement of this trade. Required if LastQty is not included.
1444SideLiquidityIndIntNIndicator of whether liquidity was provided or taken. Supported values: 1 = AddedLiquidity, 2 = RemovedLiquidity
37OrderIDStringNUnique identifier of the order as assigned by Zero Hash.
11ClOrdIDStringNClient assigned unique identifier for the cancel or the cancel/replace request. Uniqueness must be guaranteed within a single trading day. Should not exceed 30 characters.
1427SideExecIDStringNIdentifier for this side.