Import SDK
import ZeroHashSDK, { AppIdentifier } from 'zh-web-sdk';
Initialize SDK
To initialize the SDK, we need to instantiate the ZeroHashSDK class with a single required field zeroHashAppsURL
in the object parameter and optional JWTs. The JWT tokens can be set later when opening the modal using the openModal
The URLs for certification and production are listed below:
import ZeroHashSDK, { AppIdentifier } from 'zh-web-sdk';
// with JWTs
const sdk = new ZeroHashSDK({
zeroHashAppsURL: "<URL_HERE>",
fiatDepositsJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
cryptoBuyJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
cryptoSellJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
cryptoWithdrawalsJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
fiatWithdrawalsJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
userOnboardingJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
profileJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
fundJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
cryptoAccountLinkJWT: "<JWT_HERE>",
// without JWTs
const sdk = new ZeroHashSDK({zeroHashAppsURL: "<URL_HERE>"});
Open Modal
To open the modal, we should call the openModal
method with the required field appIdentifier
in the object parameter and an optional JWT.
import { AppIdentifier } from 'zh-web-sdk';
// with JWT
sdk.openModal({appIdentifier: AppIdentifier.CRYPTO_BUY, jwt: "<JWT_HERE>"});
// without JWT (if you already defined the JWT when instantiating the ZeroHashSDK)
sdk.openModal({appIdentifier: AppIdentifier.CRYPTO_BUY});
Note: The JWT needs to be added in the parameter at least once. Once the JWT is passed, it will be set up in the application's context and won't need to be passed again unless you want to update it with a new one.