Participant onboarding status update

Webhook events triggered by a participant onboarding status update.

Platforms leveraging Zero Hash’s customer verification product should subscribe to webhooks to know if participants have completed different portions of the onboarding.

This webhook provides information on whether a participant has completed the different sections of a Zero Hash Participant onboarding via our SDK.


participant_codeThe Zero Hash identifier for the new customer. Note: this value is key to enable you to submit trades and check account balances for this customer.string
eddWhether the participant has provided the required information for an Extensive Due Diligence. The value is true when the information has been provided, otherwise, the value will be false.boolean
tax_idWhether the participant has provided a Tax ID. IF so, value will be true, otherwise, the value will be false.boolean
idvWhether the participant has completed the ID Document verification and the result of such. The different states are passed, failed, not_applicable, unknown.string
liveness_checkWhether the participant has completed the Liveness Check and the result of such. The different states are passed, failed, not_applicable, unknownstring
timestampThe UNIX timestamp (in milliseconds) representing when the status was changed.number


Participant has provided new information

  "participant_code": "ABC123",
  "edd": true,
  "tax_id": true,
  "idv": "passed",
  "liveness_check": "passed",
  "timestamp": 1724767758798