Verification results


Zero Hash delivers KYC results via webhook. To receive these results, Zero Hash requires a return URL where the results can be sent. Currently, these URLs are configured manually by Zero Hash, but a developer interface may be enabled in the future.


Request an overview of reject reasons during implementation

If you are a signed or prospective Zero Hash Platform subscribing to this webhook, you can request the complete list of reject reasons by contacting your Relationship Manager or by emailing

Manual Check

If you prefer to manually check the participant status, you can acquire an up-to-date state of the participant by making a GET request to GET \participants.


  • We advise against polling as the primary method for obtaining verification results, but rather as a secondary check or failsafe.
  • In case the webhook request fails, Zero Hash will reattempt with an exponential backoff up to 10 times.
  • There is a maximum amount of times a participant can retry a KYC. By default this is set to 3.