Order Cancel Request (35=F)

Cancel an order that is still live on the Zero Hash CLOB.

The Order Cancel Request message (F) is a FIX protocol message used in electronic securities trading to request the cancellation of a previously submitted order. It is commonly employed when a trader wishes to revoke an order before it has been executed or partially filled.


  • Order Matching Status: The cancellation request may be subject to the current status of the order being canceled. For example, if the original order has already been fully executed, it may not be possible to cancel it.
  • Order Persistence: Once submitted, the Order Cancel Request message does not guarantee immediate cancellation. The processing time and execution of the cancellation may vary based on market conditions and the policies of the trading venue.
  • Message Integrity: It's essential to ensure that the ClOrdID and OrigClOrdID fields are accurately populated to match the order being canceled. Failure to provide correct identifiers may result in the rejection of the cancellation request.

Message Fields

TagField NameRequiredNote
StandardHeaderYesMsgType = F
50SenderSubIDYesPart of the Header. Participant ID created at Zero Hash with specific relationships on the CLOB. Must match field 50 on the message that the OrigClOrdID references
1AccountYesTrading Account on the CLOB. This information will be shared during onboarding. Must match field 1 on the message that the OrigClOrdID references
11ClOrdIdYesUnique identifier of the order. Must be unique for each session
21HandlInstYes1 = Automated execution order, private, no Broker intervention
2 = Automated execution order, public, Broker intervention OK
3 = Manual order, best execution
22SecurityIDSourceYes8 = Exchange Symbol
38OrderQtyYesThe amount of the base asset to be transacted e.g. 10.5146
40OrdTypeYesMust match OrdType on the message that the OrigClOrdID references
41OrigClOrdIdYesAn identifier matching the ClOrdID from the OrderSingle or OrderCancelReplaceRequest that this request applies to
48SecurityIDYesMust match the symbol on the message that the OrigClOrdID references
54SideYesMust match the side on the message that the OrigClOrdID references.
1 = Buy
2 = Sell
55Symbol-Must match the symbol on the message that the OrigClOrdID references
60TransactTimeYesTime of execution/order creation. UTC time in datetime to millisecond or nanosecond format

Example Message

8    =    FIXT.1.1
9    =    238
35   =    F
34   =    76
50   =    [ParticipantId]
52   =    20230307-13:24:29.863406207
56   =    ZERO
1128 =    9
1    =    [Account]
11   =    16329117-3bf0-4684-b74a-54f44adbbe84
38   =    0.02
41   =    e31e8ba5-2759-4255-8f08-91c1d18b9ebb
54   =    1
55   =    BTC/USD
60   =    20220817-13:02:41
10   =    171

8 = FIXT.1.1 |9 = 238 |35 = F |34 = 76 |49 = YOURSENDERCOMP |50 = [ParticipantId] |52 = 20230307-13:24:29.863406207 |56 = ZERO |1128 = 9 |1 = [Account] |11 = 16329117-3bf0-4684-b74a-54f44adbbe84 |38 = 0.02 |41 = e31e8ba5-2759-4255-8f08-91c1d18b9ebb |54 = 1 |55 = BTC/USD |60 = 20220817-13:02:41 |10 = 171