FAQ - Zero Hash CLOB Rest API
Zero Hash has added new REST API endpoints to allow platforms to integrate to our Central Limit Order Book in our CERT and PROD environments. Existing platforms that are integrated to Zero Hash will not need a new API key to integrate to our CLOB.
Authentication to this the Zero Hash Rest API is explained in the code recipe section below.
API Request
To reach our search orders endpoint, send a request to the endpoint POST /orders/v1/search_orders.
Parameter | Description | Required | Type |
accounts | The trading account. Needs to be the full path e.g. "firms/[ParticipantId]/accounts[AccountId] | N | Array[String] |
clord_id | Order identifier passed by the client | N | String |
end_time | Datetime to end search on. Based on insert_time e.g. "2023-03-29T12:08:52.576465658Z" | N | String |
order_id | Zero Hash CLOB generated order id | N | String |
page_size | Number of orders to return. Max 5000 | Y | Integer |
start_time | Datetime to start search from. Based on insert_time e.g. "2023-03-29T12:08:52.576465658Z" | N | String |
symbol | The trading symbol | N | String |
order_state_filter | The order state to filter on. Note: You can pass "ORDER_STATE_FILTER_OPEN" to return all open orders or "ORDER_STATE_FILTER_CLOSED" to return all closed orders. | N | String |
Example Request
"accounts": [
"clord_id": "2853638224179366356019",
"end_time": "2023-06-15T10:24:45.470Z",
"order_id": "1666122693176070209",
"page_size": 10,
"start_time": "2023-06-15T10:24:45.470Z",
"symbol": "BTC/USD",
"order_state_filter": "ORDER_STATE_FILTER_OPEN"
Response Parameters
Field | Description | Type |
id | Order ID | String |
type | Order Type | String |
side | Side of trade | String |
order_qty | Order quantity | String |
symbol | Trading Symbol | String |
clord_id | Client Order ID | String |
time_in_force | TIF of an Order | String |
account | firms/[ParticipantId]/accounts/[AccountId] | String |
cum_qty | Cumulative Quantity | String |
avg_px | Average Price | String |
leaves_qty | Remaining Quantity | String |
state | Order State | String |
participant | firms/F-[ParticipantId]/users/[ParticipantId] | String |
price | Instrument Price | String |
insert_time | Order Entry Time | String |
stop_price | Stop trigger Price | String |
min_qty | Minimum Quantity | String |
create_time | Timestamp order was created | String |
all_or_none | If all of order should execute or none | String |
cross_id | Zero Hash Cross Id | String |
host_cross_id | Zero Hash Hot Cross Id | String |
submitting_participant | firms/F-[ParticipantId]/users/[ParticipantId] | String |
client_account_id | Client Party Information | String |
client_participant_id | Client Party Information | String |
parent_order_id | Zero Hash Parent Id | String |
commissions_basis_points | Commission bps fee amount | String |
participate_dont_initiate | Maker Only order | String |
cash_order_qty | Fiat amount specified on order | String |
symbol_sub_type | N/A | String |
strict_limit | N/A | String |
risk_check_time | datetime of when pre submission risk check was performed | String |
collateral_memo | N/A | String |
priority_weight | N/A | String |
good_till_time | GTT Expiry Time | String |
context | N/A | String |
best_limit | N/A | String |
immediately_executable_limit | N/A | String |
block_trade_indicator | N/A | String |
last_trade_id | The most recent trade id for any fills caused by this order | String |
trigger_method | Stop order trigger index price | String |
price_to_quantity_filled | N/A | String |
commission_notional_total_collected | Notional Amount collected | String |
self_match_prevention_instruction | SMP option passed order | String |
order_capacity | Account type of order originator | String |
Example Response
"collateral_memo":"Fully Collateralized",
Key Fields and Values
OrderState - state for filtering on payload
OrderState - state value in the response
Time In Force - time_in_force
Order Type - type
Example Request
if __name__ == '__main__':
body = {
"page_size": 2,
"symbol": "BTC/USD"
response = send_signed_http_request('POST', '/orders/v1/search_orders', body)
Retrieving the Scale Factor
To find the details of the scale factor for each symbol, you can query POST /orders/v1/list_instruments.
if __name__ == '__main__':
response = send_signed_http_request('POST', '/orders/v1/list_instruments', {})
Fields that are price related are scaled with the price_scale while fields which related to quantity are scaled with fractional_qty_scale
Fields that are scaled using price_scale
- avg_px
- close_px
- cost
- first
- high
- high_px
- last
- last_px
- last_trade_px
- low
- low_px
- notional_traded
- open_px
- price
- px
- reference_px
- settlement_px
For these fields that are scaled with price_scale
, the API response received is multiplied to the price_scale
to get the real value.
e.g. An avg_px of 145000 has been returned as response for an ETH order query, meanwhile ETH has a price_scale
of 0.01. To get the real value, multiply the avg_px
of 145000 to the price_scale
of 0.01 - this then results to 1,450 which approx. the ETH/USD value as of date.
Fields that are scaled using fractional_qty_scale
- bod_position
- cleared_volume
- commissions_basis_points
- cum_qty
- last_shares
- last_trade_qty
- leaves_qty
- net_position
- open_interest
- qty
- qty_bought
- qty_sold
- realized
- shares_traded
- volume
For these fields that are scaled with fractional_qty_scale
, the API response received is divided to the fractional_qty_scale
to get the real value.
e.g. A leaves_qty of 37647
has been returned as response for an XRP order query, meanwhile XRP has a fractional_qty_scale
of 1000000
. To get the real value, divide the leaves_qty of 37647
to the fractional_qty_scale
of 1000000
- this then results to 0.037647
units of XRP.
Updated 9 months ago