Awards Integration Guide
In this example, the Platform is awarding 5 select Customers for participating in a promotional campaign. Summary of all involved participants:
- Platform (participant_code: PLAT01)
- End Customer (participant_code: CUST01)
Submit Customer
Example request - POST /participants/customers/new
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Smith",
"email": "[email protected]",
"phone_number": "9545551234",
"address_one": "1 Main St.",
"address_two": "Suite 1000",
"city": "Chicago",
"state": "IL",
"zip": "12345",
"country": "United States",
"date_of_birth": "1985-09-02",
"citizenship": "United States",
"tax_id": "123456789",
"risk_rating": "low",
"kyc": "pass",
"kyc_timestamp": 1630623005000,
"sanction_screening": "pass",
"sanction_screening_timestamp": 1630623005000,
"idv": "pass",
"liveness_check": "pass",
"signed_timestamp": 1630623005000,
"metadata": {}
Fund USD Account
Platforms will need to a dedicated USD Award account. Account details:
Field | Value |
Participant | Zero Hash Liquidity Services (00SCXM) |
Asset | USD |
Account Type | available |
Account Group | [Platform Code] |
Account Label | awards |
Fund Crypto Award Account
Example request - POST /awards/fund
"underlying": "BTC",
"quoted_currency": "USD",
"quantity": "1"
The Platform is instructing a market order of 5 BTC to be initially allocated to the Platform's account.
Example response -
"request_id": "14f8ebb8-7530-4aa4-bef9-9d73d56313f3",
"quote": {
"request_id": "ce819fe8-b1d7-43bb-961c-e09ede0988d3",
"participant_code": "CUST01",
"underlying_currency": "BTC",
"quoted_currency": "USD",
"side": "BUY",
"quantity": "1",
"price": "65,500.10",
"quote_id": "5cd07738b861c31e3bd61467BTC1Buy1568311644602",
"expire_ts": 1568311649602,
"transaction_timestamp": 1568311649600
"trade_id": "ba97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc",
"status": "Completed"
Distribute awards
Example request - POST /awards/distribute
"underlying": "BTC",
"quantity": "5",
"participant_codes": {"CUST01", "CUST02", "CUST03", "CUST04", "CUST05"}
Example response -
"underlying": "BTC",
"quantity": "1",
"participant_code": "CUST01",
"trade_id": "ce819fe8-b1d7-43bb-961c-e09ede0988d3"
"participant_code": "CUST02",
"trade_id": "ba97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc"
"participant_code": "CUST03",
"trade_id": "ma97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc"
"participant_code": "CUST04",
"trade_id": "xa97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc"
"participant_code": "CUST05",
"trade_id": "ta97133e-ab15-4c86-86c1-86671b8420bc"
All 5 Customers have received an equal allotment of .2 BTC
Updated 7 months ago