Sanction Screening

Depending on the Product and the Platform's implementation, Zero Hash may take on the responsibility of sanction screening end users during the initial onboarding step. Both the Platform and Zero Hash, however, may have independent legal obligations related to ongoing sanctions compliance.


All end users (either Customers, Beneficiaries or Senders) must go through sanction screening before they can transact on the Zero Hash platform. In addition, Zero Hash will use automating tooling to continuously monitor an end user's standing, as it relates to sanction screening.

There are 2 implementation types:

1. Platform Performs

If the Zero Hash Compliance team permits the Platform to use their own sanctions programs and tools, Platforms will need to, with each end user submission, attest to the fact 1) the end user has passed a sanctions check and 2) the timestamp that they passed this check. Here is an example POST /participants/customers/new request (see the sanction_screening and sanction_screening_timestamp fields):

    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Smith",
    "email": "",
    "address_one": "123 Main St.",
    "address_two": "Suite 1000",
    "city": "Chicago",
    "zip": "12345",
    "date_of_birth": "1985-09-02",
    "id_number_type": "us_passport",
    "id_number": "123456789",
    "non_us_other_type": null,
    "id_issuing_authority": null,
    "signed_timestamp": 1603378501286,
    "risk_rating": null,
    "metadata": {},
    "tax_id": "000-00-0000",
    "kyc": "pass",
    "kyc_timestamp": 1603378501286,
    "onboarded_location": "US-FL",
    "sanction_screening": "pass", // HERE
    "sanction_screening_timestamp": 1603378501286, // HERE
    "idv": "pass",
    "liveness_check": "pass",
    "phone_number": "15557778888",
    "signed_agreements": [
        "type": "user_agreement",
        "region": "us",
        "signed_timestamp": 1603378501286
    "salary": "100000.00",
    "savings_and_investments": "100000.00",
    "investor_category": "100000.00",
    "distribution_channel": "XYZ",
    "ip_address": "",
    "jurisdiction_code": "US-IL",
    "citizenship_code": "US"

2. Zero Hash Performs


If the Platform is not permitted to use their own sanctions program and tools, then Zero Hash offers this capability in-house. Right now, this feature is mostly applicable for Products that contain the concept of a "Beneficiary". These Products are the Payouts and Remittance product.

Submit Beneficiary - Real-time sanctions screen

Each time a Beneficiary is submitted for the first time, via the POST /participants/beneficiaries/new endpoint, Zero Hash will automatically and immediately run a sanctions check. Here is the participant status flow:

ActionStatus (reflected in the webhook events)
Platform submits Beneficiarysubmitted
Beneficiary passes the sanctions checkapproved
Beneficiary has been flagged for a potential sanctions list match and is pending manual reviewpending_approval
Beneficiary has been flagged for a potential sanctions list match and after manual review were determined to be outside of the risk tolerance established for a relationship with Zero Hashrejected


If a Beneficiary enters a status of pending_approval, our Compliance department is automatically alerted. It will then take up to 24 hours for the team to review, and then the Beneficiary will either move to approved or rejected. Once they have conducted their review, they will reach out (typically via email) to the Platform with the results of the review.

Update Beneficiary - Real-time sanctions screen

Each time a Beneficiary is updated , via the PATCH /participants/beneficiaries/{participant_code} endpoint, Zero Hash will automatically and immediately re-run a sanctions check. Here is the participant status flow:

ActionStatus (reflected in the webhook events)
Platform updates a BeneficiaryThe beneficiary will either be in approved or pending_approval
The update did not allow the Beneficiary to become released from being flagged as a potential sanctions list match and is pending manual reviewThe beneficiary will remain inpending_approval
Beneficiary passes the sanctions re-runapproved
Beneficiary has been flagged for a potential sanctions list match and after manual review were determined to be outside of the risk tolerance established for a relationship with Zero Hashrejected


A Beneficiary will only be re-run through the sanction check if they are in a status of pending_approval or approved. If they have another status, ie rejected, they should be considered terminal and the status is not subject to change. After an update, our Compliance department will be automatically alerted once again. It will then take up to 24 hours for them to manually review. Once they have conducted their review, they will reach out (typically via email) to the Platform with the results.

Continuous Monitoring

In addition to the real-time sanctions checks, Zero Hash will use automating tooling to continuously monitor an end user's standing, as it relates to sanction screening. Here is the participant status flow:

ActionStatus (reflected in the webhook events)
Beneficiary has been flagged for a potential sanctions list match and after manual review were determined to be outside of the risk tolerance established for a relationship with Zero Hashapprovedlockedpending_disableddisabledclosed

Updating Beneficiaries - Remittance Scenarios

This section will lay out how Remittance-specific Beneficiary updates impact the participant record.

Zero Hash requires that Platforms submit the following data points for Remittance Beneficiaries:


It's possible that Beneficiaries can become initially flagged as a potential sanctions list match and be placed into a pending_approval status. For the Platform to take matters into their own hands, they can update the Beneficiary via the PATCH /participants/beneficiaries/{participant_code} endpoint.

The most effective thing a Platform can do is update the date_of_birth field. Updating the address_one and address_two fields will help, but just not as effectively.

Additionally, there are certain areas of the world that have many last names (ie, in Mexico). So adding an additional last name (a legally accurate one) is also a helpful tactic.

Here is an example flow that shows an initial Beneficiary submission followed by different Update Beneficiary options:

Submit Beneficiary (initial submission)

POST /participants/beneficiaries/new request:

    "first_name": "Hector",
    "last_name": "Martinez",
    "jurisdiction_code": "MX-CMX",

Let's say the Beneficiaries participant_code is BENEF1

Update Beneficiary (date of birth)

PATCH /participants/beneficiaries/{participant_code} request:

  "date_of_birth": "1985-09-02"

Update Beneficiary (address)

PATCH /participants/beneficiaries/{participant_code} request:

  "address_1": "1 seville st",
  "address_2": "2403"

Update Beneficiary (last name)

PATCH /participants/beneficiaries/{participant_code} request:

  "last_name": "Lopez Martinez"