Account Labels


Account Labels can be thought of as “sub account groups”. Within each account group, you can have many Account Labels. They are used to separate funds at a more granular level. One individual can now have 2 separated BTC available accounts, for example.

The default account_label value is general.

Prior to our launch of Account Labels, Accounts were a unique combination of the following attributes:

  • participant_code
  • asset
  • account_type
  • account_group

We are now adding a 5th attribute:

  • account_label

Release notes can be found here.

Creating a new Account with a new Account Label

Accounts are created when you use them. If you deposit BTC, we will create your BTC Accounts. Same idea with trades and transfers.

To create a new Account that has a new (non-'general') Account Label, you will specify the name on the POST /trades call. The field name is account_label and it is optional.


Let's say you operate the participant, "Trading Platform" and the participant_code is ABC123. You start by creating a retail customer, "John Smith" and Zero Hash responds and gives John the participant_code DEF456. At this point, John Smith has zero accounts in our system.

Trading Platform submits a trade where John Smith is purchasing BTC without an Account Label. John is using Trading Platforms standard brokerage product to make this purchase:

         "participant_code":"DEF456",    //<-- customer's participant_code
         "settling": true
         "participant_code":"ABC123",    //<-- platform's participant_code
         "settling": false

Zero Hash has now created a BTC account for John Smith. Example details:

  • participant_code: DEF456
  • asset: BTC
  • account_type: available
  • account_group: ABC123
  • account_label: general

John's balance in this account is 0.1.

A couple weeks later, John creates an IRA account with Trading Platform and would like to make a larger BTC purchase within this new account. Trading Platform will submit a new trade, specifying an account_label:

         "settling": true,
         "individual_taxable": "individual_tax_advantaged" <-- see here
         "settling": false

Zero Hash has now created a 2nd BTC account for John Smith. Details:

  • participant_code: DEF456
  • asset: BTC
  • account_type: available
  • account_group: ABC123
  • account_label: individual_tax_advantaged

John's balance in this account is 0.5.

GET requests involving Account Labels

View balances:

  • GET /accounts
    • New field account_label in response.
    • You have the ability to filter your request by account_label

View outstanding positions:

View balances of a specific account id:

View deposit history:

View positions:

Transferring funds between Account Labels

  • You will need to notify Zero Hash that you wish to use this feature, a configuration is required.
  • Once configured, you can use the POST /transfers endpoint. Here is an example request where you are transferring funds intra-participant from the general account_label to the joint account_label: