Testnet Support and Token Faucets

In the certification environment, test network (testnet) blockchains are integrated into Zero Hash to enable complete testing of trade flows from start to finish. Test tokens can be deposited into Zero Hash deposit wallet addresses, which can be created through our client portal or our API endpoint.

Below is a table specifying the test networks used in the CERT environment, along with associated faucet resources where applicable. Faucets are third-party services that provide test tokens for various test networks. Please note that Zero Hash does not supply test tokens, and platforms need to source their own for testing purposes.

CERT AssetCERT TestnetTestnet Faucet(s)
ADAADA TestnetADA Testnet Faucet
ALGOALGO TestnetALGO Testnet Faucet
AVAXFujiAVAX Testnet Faucet
BCHBCH TestnetBCH Testnet Faucet
BTCBTC TestnetBTC Testnet Faucet 1
BTC Testnet Faucet 2
BTC Testnet Faucet 3
DOGEDoge TestnetDOGE Testnet Faucet
DOTWestendWestend Faucet
ETHGoerliETH Goerli Faucet
LINK.ETHGoerliChainlink Goerli Faucet
LTCLTC TestnetLTC Testnet Faucet
MATIC.POLYGONMumbaiPolygon Mumbai Faucet
SOLDevNetSolana DevNet Faucet
USDC.ETHGoerliUSDC Goerli Faucet
USDC.POLYGONMumbaiUSDC Polygon Faucet
USDC.SOLDevNetUSDC Solana Faucet
XRPRipple TestnetXRP Testnet Faucet

Please refer to the respective faucet links to obtain test tokens for each supported test network. These tokens can then be used for deposit/withdrawal testing on Zero Hash in the certification environment.