Withdrawal Spreads

This page describes monetization options available on withdrawals

It is possible to monetize withdrawals made by end customers of your platform by adding a spread on the amount being sent as a fixed amount, percentage, or both.

  • Fixed Amount: A fixed amount to be applied regardless of the amount being sent. For example, $0.25 can be added to withdrawals for all or certain assets.
  • Spread Percentage: A percentage of the total withdrawal amount that is added. For example, 1% of the value being transferred could be added as a fee.

Note that there may be limits or caps in-place depending on the jurisdiction such as NY. See Custom Spreads for more information.

Initial Configuration

To begin using this functionality, the following platform configurations must be set per ASSET with your Zero Hash team:

  • withdrawal_spread_type: 'NETTED|ADDITIVE'
    • Netted deducts a fixed amount from the participant and any fees will be deducted from the quantity that is sent
    • Additive deducts the sending quantity in addition to any fees, so that the sending quantity is received by the destination wallet
  • withdrawal_spread_fixed_fee: '0.000015' (This is defined in base currency and NOT in atomic units. So ETH and not WEI)
  • withdrawal_spread_percentage_fee: '3' (This is in absolute % so here 3 means 3%)

Note that both types of fees can be used together, for instance, a percentage plus a fixed amount of the quantity being sent.

These values can be updated at any time by working with your Zero Hash account team.

Sample API Payload

  "message": {  
    "request_id": "6a8c267b-2f9e-4cb1-a8ee-901311891722",  
    "withdrawal_quote_id": "129f5825-1a1a-40b6-8770-fcf102125e2b",  
    "withdrawal_request_id": "e4b1135a-a88f-45c0-93c0-eef5f7e62729",  
    "participant_code": "1NY182",  
    "account_group": "JB41VN",  
    "account_label": "general",  
    "withdrawal_address": "0xD4eD0e192c2DBb5594eDA4601f9403a8af64e7cF",  
    "destination_tag": "",  
    "no_destination_tag": false,  
    "asset": "ETH",  
    "amount": "0.01",  
    "amount_notional": "20.52",  
    "network_fee": "0.000031500000252",  
    "network_fee_notional": "0.06",  
    "on_chain_status": "PENDING",  
    "withdrawal_fee": "0.0001"  

There are two fields related to the network fee:

  • network_fee_asset is the asset that will be used to pay the network fee, for instance USDC.ETH sends USDC but the network fee is paid in Ethereum (see Network Fee Estimate)
  • network_fee is the amount of network_fee_asset charged i.e BTC charged on the BTC withdrawal (and subsequently deducted/netted from the customers withdrawal). For example, a network_fee value of .1 on a 1 BTC withdrawal ends with the customer getting 0.9 BTC when the network fee type is set netted. In an additive model, the destination wallet would receive 1 BTC and the participant would be deducted 1.1 BTC.

The two notional fields represent the USD value of that crypto deduction at the time of the withdrawal

  • amount_notional The amount being sent (in the above example $20.52)
  • network_fee_notional The network fee converted to USD (in the above example ~$0.06)

Endpoints Impacted
This functionality impacts the following endpoints:

  • POST /withdrawals/requests
  • POST /withdrawals/execute
  • GET /withdrawals/requests
  • GET /withdrawals/requests/:id
  • GET /withdrawals/locked_network_fee

Related Documentation:

  • See this guide on Custom Spreads for additional information on applying custom spreads to convert_withdraw transactions.